Restore Database yourDatabaseName_2 From disk = N'/var/opt/mssql/backup/yourDatabaseBackup.bak' WITH MOVE 'yourDatabaseName' TO '/var/opt/mssql/data/yourDatabaseName_Primary_2.mdf', MOVE 'yourDatabaseName_log' TO '/var/opt/mssql/data/yourDatabaseName_Primary_2.ldf' How can ...
通过T-SQL 创建数据库时,不会强制实施 Azure 策略。 若要在使用 T-SQL 创建数据库时指定数据驻留,请使用 LOCAL 或 ZONE 作为 CREATE DATABASE 语句中 BACKUP_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY 参数的输入。 其他资源 活动 FabCon Vegas 4月1日 7时 - 4月3日 7时 ...
通过T-SQL 创建数据库时,不会强制实施 Azure 策略。 若要在使用 T-SQL 创建数据库时指定数据驻留,请使用 LOCAL 或 ZONE 作为 CREATE DATABASE 语句中 BACKUP_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY 参数的输入。 其他资源 活动 FabCon Vegas 4月1日 7时 - 4月3日 7时 ...
Even though Azure SQL Database provides built-in backup, you may still want to create a local copy of your Azure SQL database. This could be handy for example when you want to keep database backup copy for free longer than allowed by Microsoft Azure built-in tools which are usually 7 ...
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 备份 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 灵活服务器备份 Azure Kubernetes 服务备份 使用MARS 代理的 Windows 备份 Azure 磁盘备份 Azure Blob 备份 Azure 文件共享备份 备份Azure VM 上的 SAP HANA 数据库 Azure 备份服务器 (MABS) Azure Stack 上的 Azure 备份服务器 Data Protection ...
How to restore Microsoft Azure Cloud SQL Database The restore process is even easier than the backup process! Find the backup you need to restore from the list on the right side of the application. Click on the button next to backup and select “Restore from Backup…”. In the opened win...
Azure PowerShell example script to restore an Azure SQL Managed Instance database from a geo-redundant backup.
So we have figured out how to get access to the blob (the file!) and download it to a local folder. The next step is restoring the .bak database backup. If to be done from that local file, my post would end here. But there is a way to restore directly from inside the st...
backup and their schedules based on the workload on your database. These backups can be used for point-in-time recovery, or to restore databases to another Azure location or region, or you need to restore this database from a very old backup that is kept under a long-term retention ...