我们分析了你在过去 30 天内的 Azure Database for MariaDB 使用模式,建议你购买可最大限度地节省成本的预留实例。 通过预留实例,可以预购买按小时计的 MariaDB 使用量,比计算用量方式节省更多成本。 预留实例是一项计费权益,它自动应用于新的部署或现有部署。 预估节约的成本根据单个订阅和过去 30 天的使用模式计...
Auto Scaling可以依据开发者定义的扩容(缩容)规则来监视运行在云端的托管服务,一旦托管服务的运行达到规则生效条件,Microsoft Azure即启动自动化扩容(缩容)动作,完成扩容(缩容),使其在保证在线上服务的高质量时,使用的云资源最少。
考虑我们的新产品 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 灵活服务器,它提供了更丰富的功能,例如区域复原 HA、可预测的性能、最大控制、自定义维护时段、成本优化控制和简化的开发人员体验。 详细了解Azure Database for PostgreSQL 灵活服务器 - OrcasPostgreSqlMeruMigration(将数据库从 SSPG 迁移到 FSPG)。
Azure Databricks 支持三种群集模式:标准、高并发和单节点。 默认群集模式为“标准”。重要 如果将工作区分配给 Unity Catalog 元存储,则高并发群集不可用。 可转而使用访问模式来确保访问控制的完整性并强制实施强隔离保证。 另请参阅访问模式。 创建群集后,无法更改群集模式。 如果需要另一群集模式,必须创建新群集...
For example, you may want to modify the behavior of your application in some way during bursts in demand, or to alter the number of Azure queues, or the size of your SQL Azure database. An autoscaling solution may not be limited to just adjusting the number of role instances. What is...
Just notice that I have a new tab under my AVD Portal for Scaling Plan. Before I just explore it, I checked Microsoft DOCs to understand the new...
Spark SQL and DataFrames: This is the Spark module for working with structured data. A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data that is organized into named columns. It is very similar to a table in a relational database or a data frame in R or Python. Streaming: This integrates wit...
4– Moving to Azure SQL Database 5– Executing Background Tasks 6– Evaluating Cloud Hosting Costs 7– Moving to Azure Table Storage Glossary Bibliography Developing Multi-tenant Applications for the Cloud, 3rd Edition Building Hybrid Applications in the Cloud on Microsoft Azure Enterprise Library 5.0...
For example, consider a line-of-business application or a dev/test database that is idle at night, but needs multi-core bursting headroom throughout the day. Suppose the application is using a serverless database configured to allow auto-pausing and auto-scaling up to 4...
Learn about the purchasing models that are available for Azure SQL Database: the vCore purchasing model, which provides a choice between the provisioned or serverless compute tiers and the DTU purchasing model, which provides bundled compute and storage