Utiliser un connecteur personnalisé Créer un plug-in AI de connecteur (version préliminaire) Certifier votre connecteur FAQ sur les connecteurs personnalisés FAQ sur les connecteurs en version préliminaire Fournir des commentaires Adresses IP sortantes...
Data Factory Name dataFactoryName True string The name of the Data Factory. Data Factory Pipeline Name pipelineName True string The name of the Data Factory pipeline. Reference pipelineRunId. referencePipelineRunId string The pipeline run identifier. If run ID is specified the parameters of...
1)源(Source):源是数据流的输入,可以是来自不同数据存储的数据。Azure Data Factory 支持多种数据源,包括但不限于 Azure Blob Storage、Azure SQL Database、Azure Cosmos DB 等。用户可以通过配置连接器(Connectors)将数据源添加到数据流中。每个数据源都可以有自己的数据格式、分区策略和过滤条件。用户可以使用数...
The analysis and visualization components, Azure Analysis Service, and Power BI are also connected to Azure Data Factory.Tip Azure Data Factory provides more than 90 built-in, maintenance-free connectors.Next unit: How Azure Data Factory works Previous Next ...
Integrate and transform data in the familiar Data Factory experience within Azure Synapse Pipelines. Transform and analyze data code-free with data flows within the Azure Synapse studio. Get data integration with more than 90 built-in connectors. Get started with Azure Synapse Analytics Ignite your...
Select + New to create a new linked service. After selecting + New to create a new linked service you can choose any of the supported connectors and configure its details accordingly. Thereafter you can use the linked service in any pipelines you create....
Integrate and transform data in the familiar Data Factory experience within Azure Synapse Pipelines. Transform and analyze data code-free with data flows within the Azure Synapse studio. Get data integration with more than 90 built-in connectors. Get started with Azure Synapse Analytics Ignite your...
Provides 80+ connectors out of box and native integration with all Azure data services so that you can leverage ADF for all your data integration and ETL needs across hybrid environments. Prerequisites: Before you get started, you must complete the following prerequisites:...
ADF has connectors for Parquet, Avro, and ORC data lake file formats. However, datasets used by Copy Activity do not currently have support for those types. Here is how to read and write those complex columns in ADF by using data flows. ...
Java is required to use ORC/Parquet file formats with Azure Data Lake Store/Flexible File connectors. The architecture (32/64-bit) of Java build should match that of the SSIS runtime to use. The following Java builds have been tested. ...