使用REST API 擷取受控識別當您取得特定的服務執行個體時,將會傳回受控識別主體識別碼和租用戶識別碼,如下所示。在要求中呼叫下方的 API:複製 GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/{factoryName}?api-version=...
Azure 入口網站 .NET SDK Python SDK Azure PowerShell REST API Azure Resource Manager 範本使用UI 建立 REST 連結服務使用下列步驟,在 Azure 入口網站 UI 中建立 REST 連結服務。瀏覽至 Azure Data Factory 或 Synapse 工作區中的 [管理] 索引標籤,並選取 [連結服務],然後選取 [新增]: Azure Data Factory ...
目標端點的 Rest API 方法。 typeProperties.reportStatusOnCallBack object 當設定為 true 時,活動將會取用回呼要求本文中的 statusCode、輸出和錯誤。 您可以在回呼要求中設定 statusCode >= 400,將活動標示為失敗。 預設值為 false。 Type:boolean (或 Expression with resultType boolean) 。 typeProperties....
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":4111771,"subject":"Error Code 11402 to Call REST API from Azure Data Factory","id":"message:4111771","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":0,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:2381359"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{...
This quickstart describes how to use REST API to create an Azure Data Factory. The pipeline in this data factory copies data from one location to another location in an Azure blob storage. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create afreeaccount before you begin. ...
print(f"Failed to create Azure Data Factory. Error: {response.text}") 补充说明: 该代码使用Azure REST API以编程方式创建Azure Data Factory资源。 您需要提供subscription_id、resource_group、data_factory_name和location变量的特定值。 变量包含必要的身份验证信息,包括访问令牌。字典保存创建Data Factory所需的...
print(f"Failed to create Azure Data Factory. Error: {response.text}") 补充说明: 该代码使用Azure REST API以编程方式创建Azure Data Factory资源。 您需要提供subscription_id、resource_group、data_factory_name和location变量的特定值。 变量包含必要的身份验证信息,包括访问令牌。字典保存创建Data Factory所需的...
If you specify a value less than 5 minutes, the Batch service rejects the request with an error; if you are calling the REST API directly, the HTTP status code is 400 (Bad Request). resourceTags object The user-specified tags associated with the pool. The user-defined tags to be ...
Since ver.1.10 the process doesn't use ADF Global Parameter to keep Deployment State data. You must provide Storage URL instead. Usually the deployment process takes some time as it must go through all object (files) and send them via REST API to be deployed. The more objects in ADF the...
Getting Started with REST Advisor AI Foundry AKS Analysis Services API Center API Management App Compliance Automation App Configuration App Service Application Gateway Application Gateway for Containers Application Insights Authorization Automation AVS Azure AD B2C Azure Attestation Azure AI Services Azure Arc...