认证为 Azure 专家托管服务提供商 (MSP)的CSP 直接帐单合作伙伴可以请求为其客户转移 Azure 订阅。 客户必须持有直接企业协议 (EA) 或拥有 Microsoft 帐户团队 (Microsoft 客户协议企业)。 仅允许为已接受 MCA 并通过 CSP 计划购买了某个 Azure 计划的客户进行订阅转移。 当请求获得批准后,CSP 可以向其客户提供组...
先前在 CSP 中的 Azure 供應項目先前在 CSP 中的 Azure 供應項目• 需要帳單支援票證。 • 保留並不會自動移轉,且不支援手動移轉。 先前在 CSP 中的 Azure 供應項目CSP (由合作夥伴管理的 MCA)如需詳細資訊,請參閱將客戶的 Azure 訂用帳戶移轉至不同 CSP (位於 Azure 方案下)。
对于Azure 云解决方案提供商 (CSP) 订阅,不支持更改订阅的 Microsoft Entra 目录。概述将Azure 订阅转移到其他 Microsoft Entra 目录是一个复杂的过程,必须仔细计划和执行。 许多 Azure 服务都需要安全主体(标识)才能正常运行,或者才能管理其他 Azure 资源。 本文将尽力涵盖很大程度上依赖于安全主体的大多数 Azure 服务...
The first section, Transferring an Azure subscription to another partner, describes how a customer can transfer a Microsoft Azure subscription from one Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) to another.The next section, Transferring a previous Azure offer subscription without converting it to the Azure plan, ...
Como asociado del Proveedor de soluciones en la nube (CSP) , realice transacciones en todos los servicios en la nube de Microsoft (es decir, Azure, O365, Enterprise Mobility Suite y Dynamics CRM Online) a través de una sola plataforma. CSP permite a los asociados: poseer en su totalidad...
Enterprise and CSP subscription in public regions. Create a Support request to request for Quota increase. Learn more. 10 Pay-as-you-go, Sponsored, MSDN, MPN, Azure Pass subscriptions in public regions. Create a support request to request for a Quota increase. 5 Free trial and Azure for St...
Thefollowing Learn doc may also be useful -Transfer Azure subscriptions and/or reservations under an Azure plan to another CSP partner - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn If this (or someone else's) reply answers your question, pleaseAccept as the solution...
Meanwhile, many of the ExpressRoute partners offer innovative multicloud interconnect service offers such that Azure customers could cross-connect Azure ExpressRoute with other CSP’s highspeed private connection services. Some of these partner offers are described below by the partners themselves. Azure...
That is the issue. The customer and us, have attempted many times over the past 6 months to contact the incumbent CSP following the process outlined in the documentation. However, the incumbent has so far ignored every communications even from our Premier Support C...
Use Azure as part of a managed service from a Microsoft partner: Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners offer a range of complete managed cloud solutions for Azure.Find a partner. Commit to the software and services through theAzure Hybrid BenefitandAzure Reserved Virtual Machine Instances...