On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, select Create a resource. In the search box, enter Route table. When Route table appears in the search results, select it. In the Route table page, select Create. In the Create route table dialog box: Expand table SettingValue Name ...
Azure CLIaz network route-table route create PowerShellNew-AzRouteConfig 查看路由 一个路由表包含零个或多个路由。 若要详细了解在查看路由时所列出的信息,请参阅虚拟网络流量路由。 转到Azure 门户来管理路由表。 搜索并选择“路由表”。 在路由表列表中,选择要查看其路由的路由表。
On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, select Create a resource. In the search box, enter Route table. When Route table appears in the search results, select it. In the Route table page, select Create. In the Create route table dialog box: Expand table SettingValue Name Enter...
运行az network-route-table route create 以在路由表中创建一个路由。 若要将流量路由到防火墙,请将下一跃点类型设置为 VirtualAppliance,并将防火墙的专用 IP 地址作为下一个跃点地址进行传递。 Azure CLI 复制 az network route-table route create \ --resource-group $resourceGroup \ --name DG-Route \...
还可以使用ExpressRoute,它是组织与 Microsoft 网络之间的直接连接。 通过 ExpressRoute 的流量不会通过公共 Internet 传输。 本文不介绍 ExpressRoute 的使用。 要设置 Azure 虚拟网络和本地网络之间的 VPN 连接,请按照以下步骤进行操作: 本地:为指向本地 VPN 设备的 Azure 虚拟网络的地址空间定义并创建本地网络路...
验证由create_node.py添加的配置的两种方法。 show_node.py -i 100 [guestshell@guestshell ~]$ cat azure/HA/node_file {'appKey': 'bDEN1k8batJqWEiGXAxSR4Y=', 'index': '100', 'routeTableName': 'subnet2-david-CSR-RouteTable', 'route': '', 'nextHop':...
aws_terraform_create_dynamodb_table.sh - creates a Terraform locking table in DynamoDB for use with the S3 backend, plus custom IAM policy which can be applied to less privileged accounts aws_terraform_create_all.sh - runs all of the above, plus also applies the custom DynamoDB IAM policy...
create_node.py -i 100 -p azure -s 09e13fd4-def2-46aa-a056-xxxxxxxxxx -g RG-David -t subnet2-david-CSR-RouteTable -r -n -a 1e0f69c3-b6aa-46cf-b5f9-xxxxxxxxx -d ae49849c-2622-4d45-b95e-xxxxxxxxx -k bDEN1k8batJqpeqjAuUvaU...
[11:51:27 INF] Route matched with {action = "ExternalLogin", controller = "Account", area = "", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult ExternalLogin(System.String, System.String) on controller Monitoring.Controllers.AccountController (ToSec...
ExpressRoute is a service that enables you to create private connections between Azure datacenters and infrastructure that’s on your premises or in a colocation environment. ExpressRoute connections don't go over the public internet, and offer more reliability, faster speeds, lower latencies, and ...