2. Create a Managed data Disk from a VHD file. Attach the Managed Disk to an existing VM or attach it as data disk to create a new virtual machine. .NOTES 1. Before you use this sample, please install the latest version of Azure PowerShell from here: http:...
2. Create a Managed data Disk from a VHD file. Attach the Managed Disk to an existing VM or attach it as data disk to create a new virtual machine. .NOTES 1. Before you use this sample, please install the latest version of ...
Azure PowerShell Script Sample - Create a managed disk from a VHD file in a storage account in same or different subscription
This script creates a managed disk from a VHD file in a storage account in the same subscription. Use this script to import a specialized (not generalized/sysprepped) VHD to managed OS disk to create a virtual machine. Or, use it to import a data VHD to man...
命令是把mydisk02复制到mydisk03。一般情况下,不指定managed disk的sku,都是Premium_LRS的。 3跨Resource Group创建managed Disk: root@hw-surfacebook:~# az disk create -g hwtest -n mydisk04 --source /subscriptions/xxxx/resourceGroups/HWFDSK/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/hwmd01 ...
运行结果: 1.上图中,Lei2012CHNVM-Lei2012CHNVM01-2016-01-25.vhd这个Page Blob容量大小为127GB 2.运行代码后,这个vhd的实际使用容量为10GB 参考资料: http://fabriccontroller.net/calculating-how-much-space-a-windows-azure-disk-is-really-using/...
Create an Alert 1. Log in to Azure with permission that can Generate a URL 2. Navigate to the Activity Log and look for "Get Disk SAS URI" 3. After clicking on that Activity, I can click "New Alert Rule" and follow the steps to set up an alert. ...
4. Create a VM Image or Disk from the Storage Blob With the VHD file stored in storage blob, we can create a VM image or managed disk from it depending on whether the original VM where the VHD exports from is generalized or specialized. VHD exported from generalized VM can be used to...
如何创建虚拟机或 VHD 的映像:https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/virtual-machines/linux/capture-image 从快照创建虚拟机:https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/virtual-machines/s/virtual-machines-linux-cli-sample-create-vm-from-snapshot?toc=%2fcli%2fmodule%2ftoc.json ...
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/managed-disk-java-create-virtual-machine-using-custom-image-from-VHD.git cd managed-disk-java-create-virtual-machine-using-custom-image-from-VHD mvn clean compile exec:java More information For general documentation as well as quickstarts on h...