Service: Container Instances API Version: 2023-05-01 Create or update container groups with specified configurations. HTTP 複製 試試看 PUT{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroup...
使用az deployment group create 命令部署模板。Azure CLI 复制 打开Cloud Shell az deployment group create --resource-group myResourceGroup --template-file azuredeploy.json 将在几秒钟内收到来自 Azure 的初始响应。查看部署状态若要查看部署状态,请运行下面的 az container show 命令:...
使用az container create 命令建立容器群組:Azure CLI 複製 az container create \ --name appcontainer \ --resource-group $resourceGroup \ --image \ --vnet aci-vnet \ --vnet-address-prefix \ --subnet aci-subnet \ --subnet-address-...
你可以完全参考这篇入门文章(,通过几个简单的命令创建Kubernetes群集 1. az group create acs create acs kubernetes install-cli (这一步是可选的,如果是在azure cloudshell中可以省略) acs ...
执行以下 az container create 命令来部署容器实例。 该命令使用 Azure Key Vault 中存储的服务主体凭据对容器注册表进行身份验证。 Azure CLI 复制 az container create \ --resource-group $RES_GROUP \ --name acr-tasks \ --image $ \ --registry-login-server $...
az group create --name Web_Test_ACR_RG --location eastasia 我们回到Azure Portal 中找到资源组,刷新看看 (3),创建 Azure Container Registry 服务 我们可以 az 命令 看到 --name,--resource-group,--sku 这些参数是必填参数 --name:cnbateblogwebACR ...
- containerPort: 80 复制并粘贴上面的代码后,我们将按Ctrl + X退出nano。这将提示我们保存更改。让我们按Y确认,当要求保存文件时,按 Enter 键以默认名称(nginx-deployment.yaml)保存文件。 现在我们已经创建了该nginx-deployment.yaml文件,其中包含用于部署具有三个副本的简单 NGINX Web 服务器的 YAML 规范。
Follow the Create a virtual machine instructions to create a Linux VM and keep the VM within the same resource group where the IoT Hub has been created.NOTE: Advanced users can refer to Azure documentation on Create multi-container groups to create and deploy multi-container groups to handle ...
Follow the Create a virtual machine instructions to create a Linux VM and keep the VM within the same resource group where the IoT Hub has been created.NOTE: Advanced users can refer to Azure documentation on Create multi-container groups to create and deploy multi-container groups to handle ...
Follow the Create a virtual machine instructions to create a Linux VM and keep the VM within the same resource group where the IoT Hub has been created.NOTE: Advanced users can refer to Azure documentation on Create multi-container groups to create and deploy multi-container groups to handle ...