模块 在Power BI 中通过数据分析优化 Azure 成本 - Training 使用Power BI 了解在 Azure 中花费的成本,以帮助组织优化成本。 认证 Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate - Certifications 展示与使用 Microsoft Power BI 进行建模、可视化和分析数据...
如果Power BI 应用出现问题,则可参阅以下故障排除信息。 处理数据集中的数据时出错 可能会出现一个错误,指出: 复制 There was an error when processing the data in the dataset. Data source error: {"error":{"code":"ModelRefresh_ShortMessage_ProcessingError","pbi.error":{"code...
在Power BI Desktop 中,选择“主页”>“转换数据”。 在Power Query 编辑器中,选择“RI 使用情况详细信息”数据集,然后选择“高级编辑器” 。 按照以下段落所示更新 Power Query 代码,它们将调用拆分为三个月的区块。 请确保记下并保留注册号或计费帐户/计费对象信息 ID。 对于EA,请使用以下代码更新: 复制 let...
BillingDataWindow = "-6", endBillingDataWindow = "-3"], source2 = AzureCostManagement.Tables("Enrollment Number", enrollmentNumber, 5, optionalParameters2), riusagedetails2 = source2{[Key="riusagedetails"]}[Data], riusagedetails = Table.Combine({riusagedetails1, riusagedetails2}) in ...
Azure Cost ManagementŞu etiketli gönderiler: Azure Cost ManagementPower BI Desktop October 2019 Feature Summary Announcements Power BI 14 Ekim, 2019 hazırlayan: Amanda Cofsky This month’s update is filled with major updates across the whole product. In the data preparation area, we’...
Power BI Desktop 用の Azure Cost Management コネクタを使用すると、強力でカスタマイズされた視覚化とレポートを作成し、Azure のコストの理解を深めることができます。 Azure Cost Management コネクタは現在のところ、以下をお持ちのお客様がご利用いただけます。
Power BI October 14, 2019byAmanda Cofsky This month’s update is filled with major updates across the whole product. In the data preparation area, we’ve introduce query diagnostics, which allow you to see what queries are being run behind the scenes. On the reporting side, we are taking...
Azure Lab Services costs are integrated with Cost Management on the lab account level. However, sometimes it’s useful to create a custom report for your team. We can do this using the line item data from Cost Management. In this blog post we will us...
The year brought new and updated cost views both within and outside the Azure portal, starting with new Microsoft Power BI reports for reservations and Azure Hybrid Benefit and more details in the Cost by Resource view in February, followed by usability improvements, like more clarity behind empt...
The year brought new and updated cost views both within and outside the Azure portal, starting with new Microsoft Power BI reports for reservations and Azure Hybrid Benefit and more details in the Cost by Resource view in February, followed by usability improvements, like more clarity behind empt...