Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL and relational database for modern app development. Start building applications with a free trial.
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL and relational database for modern app development. Start building applications with a free trial.
"dataChangeDetectionPolicy": { "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy", "highWaterMarkColumnName": "_ts" }, 注意 當您將null值指派給 Azure Cosmos DB 中的欄位時,AI 搜尋索引子無法區分null和遺漏的欄位值。 因此,如果索引中的欄位是空的,即使已在資料庫中進行這...
Azure Cosmos DB Azure Kubernetes 服务 (AKS) Azure SQL 数据库 正如我们今天所看到的,人工智能提供了改变零售业的潜力。 有理由相信零售商将开发由 AI 提供支持的客户体验体系结构。 我们的某些期望是,通过 AI 增强的平台会因超个性化而带来收入增长。 数字商务继续提升客户期望、偏好和行...
{ "connectionString" : "AccountEndpoint=https://<Cosmos DB account name>;AccountKey=<Cosmos DB auth key>;Database=<Cosmos DB database id>;ApiKind=MongoDb" } 您可以從 Azure 入口網站的 [Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶] 頁面,在左側瀏覽窗格中選取 [金鑰],以取得連接字串。 請務必選...
Set up a search indexer to index data stored in Azure Cosmos DB for vector and full text search in Azure AI Search. This article explains how index data using the NoSQL API protocol.
Search Azure Cosmos DB documentation Overview Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB FAQ Try Azure Cosmos DB free Choose an API Distributed NoSQL Distributed relational Integrated vector databases What is a vector database Vector database in Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL ...
Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB(Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB是一种云原生混合事务和分析处理 (HTAP) 功能,可实现对 Azure Cosmos DB 中的操作数据进行准实时分析。 Azure Synapse Link 在 Azure Cosmos DB 和 Azure Synapse Analytics 之间建立紧密无缝的集成。) ...
Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL has the ability to query data by writing queries using the Structured Query Language (SQL) as a JSON query language.
Azure Cosmos DB Blog The latest news, updates and technical insights from the Azure Cosmos DB team