下面是将项批量导入到 Azure Cosmos DB 容器的存储过程示例。 存储过程通过检查来自createDocument的布尔返回值来处理绑定执行,然后使用每次调用存储过程时插入的项计数,来跟踪不同的批及恢复其进度。 JavaScript functionbulkImport(items){varcontainer = getContext().getCollection();varcontainerLink = container.get...
下列程式碼範例假設您已有 client 和container 變數。 如果您需要建立這些變數,請參閱您的平台適用的快速入門。如何執行預存程序預存程序須以 JavaScript 撰寫。 這些程序可建立、更新、讀取、查詢和刪除 Azure Cosmos DB 容器內的項目。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱如何撰寫預存程序。下列範例說明如何使用 Azure Cosmos ...
この値は、database、container、document、attachment、user、permission、stored procedure、trigger、user-defined function、offer のいずれかです。 statusCode statusCode_s 操作の応答状態。 requestResourceId ResourceId 要求に関連するリソース ID。 実行された操作に応じて、この値は databaseRid、collection...
包: Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB v1.3.0 检查Azure 中是否存在资源。 请求路径/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/{accountName}/sqlDatabases/{databaseName}/containers/{containerName}/storedProcedures/{storedProcedureN...
For Create Stored Procedure use:dbs/{databaseId}/colls/{containerId} For Create a Container use:dbs/{databaseId} For Create Database use: "" -> an empty string since Databases do not have a parent resource Note:The resource names that are being referenced as part of the ResourceLink val...
For Create Stored Procedure use:dbs/{databaseId}/colls/{containerId} For Create a Container use:dbs/{databaseId} For Create Database use: "" -> an empty string since Databases do not have a parent resource Note:The resource names that are being referenced as part of the ResourceLink val...
You can configure the default consistency level on your Azure Cosmos DB account at any time. The default consistency level configured on your account applies to all Azure Cosmos DB databases and containers under that account. All reads and queries issued against a container or a database use ...
Throughput is a parameter we use to measure cosmos DB workload performance to run read, write, update, and delete operations. The throughput in cosmos DB is measured using the term Request Unit per sec (RU\sec). We can provision throughput in a form of RU\sec for a specific container or...
You can configure the default consistency level on your Azure Cosmos DB account at any time. The default consistency level configured on your account applies to all Azure Cosmos DB databases and containers under that account. All reads and queries issued against a container or a database use the...
library(dplyr) library(AzureCosmosR)endp<-cosmos_endpoint("https://myaccount.documents.azure.com:443/",key="mykey") list_cosmos_databases(endp)db<-get_cosmos_database(endp,"mydatabase")#create a new container and upload the Star Wars dataset from dplyrcont<-create_cosmos_container(db,"my...