without having to manage any underlying infrastructure. For container orchestration in Azure (build, manage, and deploy multiple containers) useAzure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You can deploy Azure Container Instances using Azure Portal, Azure
範例: 在Azure Container Apps 上部署 Flask 或 FastPI Web 應用程式 。 Azure 容器執行個體 (ACI) 無伺服器供應專案,可依需求提供 Hyper-V 隔離容器的單一 Pod。 依耗用量計費,而不是布建的資源。 ACI 容器不提供調整、負載平衡和憑證等概念。 使用者通常會透過其他服務與 ACI 互動;例如,協調流程的 AKS。
Azure 容器实例上的虚拟节点让你可以在作为 ACI 中的容器组运行的 Azure Kubernetes 服务 (AKS) 群集中部署 Pod。 这样就可以使用熟悉的 Kubernetes 构造来协调容器组。 由于虚拟节点由 ACI 的无服务器基础结构提供支持,因此你可以快速纵向扩展工作负载,而无需等待 Kubernetes 群集自动缩放程序部署 VM 计算节点。
Vad går att skapa med Azure Container Instances? Elastisk burst-överföring med AKS ACI tillhandahåller snabb, isolerad beräkning för att hantera trafiktoppar utan att det krävs någon serverhantering. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) kan till exempel använda Virtual Kubelet ...
Azure Container Apps ✅ ✅ Azure Database for MySQL ✅ ✅ Azure Database for PostgreSQL ✅ ✅ Azure Databricks ** ✅ ✅ Azure Fluid Relay ✅ ✅ Azure for Education ✅ ✅ Azure Information Protection ✅ ✅ Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) ✅ ✅ Azure Managed Grafana ...
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure App Service Azure Functions Azure Container Instances Azure Spring Apps Azure Red Hat OpenShift Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager PREVIEW Azure Container Apps Azure Container Registry App Configuration Hybrid + multicloud Azure DevOps Azure SQL Az...
Azure Container Instances vs. Azure Kubernetes Service In addition to ACI, Microsoft offers a managed service for container orchestration built on the open source Kubernetes system called Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). AKS reduces much of the traditional overhead associated with the installation and ...
若要執行 Azure CLI 命令,您必須具備角色,或Microsoft.HybridContainerServiceAzure Kubernetes Service Arc Cluster Admin/provisionedClusterInstances/listAdminKubeconfig/action 動作動作。 若要擷取並使用憑證型系統管理員 Kubeconfig,您需要直接看到 AKS 叢集。 在實體計算機上執行下列命令,或可存取 AKS 叢集執行所在的...
Azure Kubernetes Service vs. Azure Container Service Prior to the release of AKS, Microsoft offered Azure Container Service (ACS), which supported numerous open source container orchestration platforms, including Docker Swarm andMesosphere Data Center Operating System, as well as Kubernetes. With AKS,...
Private container registryDo you need a private container registry?AKS integrates with Azure Container Registry (ACR). You aren't limited to ACR though, you can use other container repositories, public, or private. Business application Take a few minutes to read about howMercedes-Benz R&...