{"$schema":"https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#","contentVersion":"","variables": {"container1name":"aci-tutorial-app","container1image":"microsoft/aci-helloworld:latest"},"resources": [ {"type":"Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups"...
7.推送完毕后,我们登录Harbor,可以查看到之前的镜像 设置Harbor到Azure Container Registry (ACR)的同步: 1.我们首先查看Azure ACR里的配置,如下图: 把下图的Login Server,Username和password复制好。 2.接下来,我们需要把Harbor上的镜像同步到Azure Container Registry里,我们点击系统管理,仓库管理,新建目标。如下图:...
The port number exposed within the container group. Name name True string The name of the environment variable. Value value True string The value of the environment variable. restartCount restartCount integer The number of times that the container instance has been restarted. state state string...
Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models Assembly: Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.dll Package: Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService v1.2.2 Source: ContainerServiceSshPublicKey.cs Initializes a new instance ofContainerServiceSshPublicKey.
ContainerServiceInner ContainerServiceLinuxProfile ContainerServiceMasterProfile ContainerServiceNetworkProfile ContainerServiceOrchestratorProfile ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes ContainerServiceServicePrincipalProfile ContainerServiceSshConfiguration ContainerServiceSshPublicKey ...
],"outputs": {"containerIPv4Address": {"type":"string","value":"[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/', parameters('containerGroupName'))).ipAddress.ip]"} } } 现在我们可以使用这个模板并将其保存到我们mlnetacidemo解决方案根目录下的文件azuredeploy.json中。唯一需要改...
Learn more about Compute service - Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of a virtual machine.
ssh_public_key: specifies the SSH public key used for the AKS nodes and jumpbox virtual machine. vm_enabled: a boleean value that specifies whether deploying or not a jumpbox virtual machine in the same virtual network of the AKS cluster. location: specifies the region (e.g., westeurope...
This section walks you through the steps to set up a single PubSub+software event brokercontainer with Docker on a CentOS instance in Microsoft Azure. Before You Begin Step 1: Launch a Host & Install Docker Step 2: Get a PubSub+ Software Event Broker ...
ssh -L <User name>@<Public DNS name of instance you just created> ```bash ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 <User name>@<Public DNS name of instance you just created> ``` ## C. Connect to Jenkins 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 101-jenkins-with-SSH...