Container recipes Container Reuse Deploy to Azure Container Instance Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Deploy with Docker Compose Other Container Services Security Responsible use of AI Reference Resources Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan ...
docker context use myacicontext 运行以下docker run命令,通过向 Internet 公开的端口 80 创建 Azure 容器实例: docker run -p 80:80 成功部署的示例输出: [+] Running 2/2 ⠿ hungry-kirch Created 5.1s ⠿ single--container--aci Done 11.3s hungry-kirch ...
sidecar properties: image: resources: requests: cpu: 1 memoryInGb: 1.5 osType: Linux ipAddress: type: Public ports: - protocol: tcp port: 80 - protocol: tcp port: 8080 tags: {exampleTag: tutorial} type: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/cont...
Hi, I had created a simple core web api project, created a docker image and then pushed it to Azure container registry successfully. Next, I added sql server db in it using a docker-compose file. Now, I want to host this file to Azure Container Registry. Basically, I want ...
Finally, now we can deploy APISIX with etcd to Azure Container Instances. Executedocker compose upto create the container group in Azure Container Instances. docker compose up Wait until the container group is deployed. Then, you can also verify container instances are created in the Azure p...
Docker Engine Docker Build Docker Compose Products Docker Desktop Docker Build Cloud Docker Hub Docker Scout Install Quickstart Explore How-tos Deep dive Policy Evaluation Integrations Container registries Continuous Integration Integrating Docker Scout with environments ...
由于 Ubuntu Server 16.04 缺少图形界面,我会完全通过命令行来安装和使用 Docker。在你安装前,你需要...
Setting up multi-container configuration for Web App for ContainersFollow the tutorial here.ContributingThis project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us ... - one-touch MariaDB, boots docker container + drops in to mysql shell, with /sql scripts mounted in container for easy sourcing eg. source /sql/<name>.sql. Optionally loads sample 'chinook' database postgres*.sh / - PostgreSQL scripts: - one-touch Postg...
ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程里提到Redis最好还是部署到Linux下去,Windows只是用来做开发环境,现在这个命题...