Explore Microsoft Azure's Container Apps, a fully managed serverless container service for building and deploying modern apps at scale.
You can also use cloud-based private container registry services, including Azure Container Registry.A publicly available container image does not guarantee security. Container images consist of multiple software layers, and each software layer might have vulnerabilities. To help r...
Azure Container Apps には、コンテナー アプリの正常性をアプリケーションのライフサイクル全体にわたって包括的に把握できる、いくつかの組み込みの監視機能が用意されています。 これらの機能は、アプリの状態を監視および診断してパフォーマンスを向上させ、傾向と重大な問題に対応するのに役...
本文說明如何將 Azure Container Apps 設定為使用 X 作為驗證提供者。若要完成本文中的程式,您需要具有已驗證電子郵件地址和電話號碼的 X 帳戶。 若要建立新的 X 帳戶,請移至 x.com。向X 註冊您的應用程式登入Azure 入口網站,並移至您的應用程式。 複製您的 URL,稍後您會使用它來設定 X 應用程式。 移至X...
Azure Container Apps is a serverless platform that allows you to maintain less infrastructure and save costs while running containerized applications. Instead of worrying about server configuration, container orchestration, and deployment details, Container Apps provides all the up-to-date server resources...
在本月早些时候的Ignite 2021大会上,微软宣布了一个新的无服务器容器平台的公开预览,该平台被命名为Azure Container Apps。它是Azure计算服务的最新基于容器的产品。 微软将Azure Container Apps定位为AKS的平台即服务(PaaS)层。它带来了一个熟悉的工作流,即部署一个或多个容器镜像并带着URL或端点离开。在幕后,Conta...
Read the latest news and insights about Azure Container Apps, brought to you by the experts at Microsoft Azure Blog.
Next generation apps arecloud-native. Cloud-native apps are often composed of distributed microservices hosted in containers for solutions that are loosely coupled, resilient, manageable, and observable as defined by theCloud Native Computing Foundation. Azure Container Apps delivers seamless support for ...
Azure Container Apps ingress can be exposed on either a Public or Private IP address. One option is to put Azure Front Door in front of an ACA public endpoint, but currently there is no way (other than in application code) to restrict access to the ACA publi...
Using Visual Studio Code, build a container image for your application, push the image to a container registry, and deploy to Azure App Service or Azure Container Apps.