ThisAzure Container Apps Landing Zone Acceleratoris a foundation using a typical enterprise hub and spoke design for the use of Azure Container Apps. In the design, Azure Container Apps is deployed in a single spoke that is dependent on shared services hosted in the hub. For the implementation ...
Azure Container Apps Landing Zone Accelerator with Nitya Narasimhan, Aarthi Murugan, Daria Grigoriu Ask the Expert Oct 4, 2023 It can be challenging to build and deploy cloud native apps at enterprise scale and get it right the first time. Landing Zone Accelerators help you address this chall...
Alternatively, internal environments expose its container apps on an IP address inside your virtual network. You can restrict traffic either within the container app environment or via the virtual network. For more information, see Security considerations for the Azure Container Apps Landing Zone ...
The Java Azure AI reference template is deployed on top of the Azure Container Apps Landing Zone Accelerator 'internal scenario' infrastructure. Furthermore, the Azure services required to implement the E2E chat with your data solution, are deployed following the Landing Zone Accelerator...
Azure Container Apps landing zone accelerator Azure landing zone accelerators provide architectural guidance, reference architectures, reference implementations, and automation to deploy workload platforms on Azure at scale. They are aligned with industry proven practices, such as those presented in Azure ...
An Azure landing zone uses subscriptions to isolate and scale application resources and platform resources. Subscriptions for application resources are called application landing zones, and subscriptions for platform resources are called platform landing zones....
Learn about the design principles that influence the design areas for enterprise-scale landing zone implementations.
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AZURE_TF_STATE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME [Optional] For Terraform only: override value to configure the remote state storage container name tfstate ACCOUNT_NAME [Optional] The Azure DevOps organization URL or GitHub Actions account name (see Example Value column) to use when provisioning the pipeline ...
1)配置使用者要求的虚拟机资源 2)自动监控虚拟机的执行状态,若发现虚拟机宕机时,自动找寻不同的服务器并且重新启动该虚拟机 3)用户要求增加计算节点(Windows Azure上所运行的虚拟机,被称为计算单元Compute Unit)时候,动态配置使用者要求的服务器数量的虚拟机。