There are three foundational IaaS resource providers:Compute: The Compute Resource Provider lets Azure Stack Hub tenants to create their own virtual machines. The Compute Resource Provider includes the ability to create virtual machines and virtual machine extensions. The virtual machine extension service...
开始使用 Azure Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 返回“客户案例”部分 获取Azure 移动应用
Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable | Select-Object ProviderNamespace, RegistrationState The command returns:Output Copy ProviderNamespace RegistrationState --- --- Microsoft.ClassicCompute Registered Microsoft.ClassicNetwork Registered Microsoft.ClassicStorage Registered Microsoft.CognitiveServices Registered ....
Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable | Select-Object ProviderNamespace, RegistrationState The command returns:Output Copy ProviderNamespace RegistrationState --- --- Microsoft.ClassicCompute Registered Microsoft.ClassicNetwork Registered Microsoft.ClassicStorage Registered Microsoft.CognitiveServices Registered ....
(another different one). To finish confirming this, we go to Resource Provider and as we see, if we go inside the resource type and select hostpool, we see that the default version that CANNOT be changed is 2022-01-12-preview. But among the eligible versions is the one that has been...
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.dll Package: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute v61.0.0 Gets the resource provider for the operation. C# [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="display.provider")]publicstringProvider {get; } ...
Learn more about Compute service - Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of a virtual machine.
The metrics are organized by resource provider and resource type. For a list of services and the resource providers and types that belong to them, seeResource providers for Azure services. Exporting platform metrics to other locations You can export the platform metrics from the Azure monitor using...
资源类型的名称采用以下格式:{resource-provider}/{resource-type}。 例如,Key Vault 类型为 Microsoft.KeyVault\vaults。 开始部署资源之前,应了解可用的资源提供程序。 了解资源提供程序和资源的名称可帮助定义想要部署到 Azure 的资源。 此外,还需要知道每种资源类型的有效位置和 API 版本。 有关详细信息,请参阅...
Get-AzureRmResourceProvider 同时,把不同的Azure功能抽象成不同的资源提供商,以我的账号为例,我注册了以下提供商的资源(未完整列出)。 注意到,其中不仅有Microsoft开头的,还有第三方的资源,如Sendgrid和 ClearDB 。 注解 由世纪互联运营的 Windows Azure 目前只有10种资源提供商,数量远低于 Microsoft Azure 提供的...