Azure Communication Services helps you build a strong communication platform and improve experience with APIs, SMS APIs, video APIs, technology, and more.
Find comprehensive components, composites, and UX guidance in theUI Library Design Kit for Figma. This design resource is purpose-built to help design your video calling and chat experiences faster and with less effort. Other Microsoft Communication Services ...
概觀和存取 通話摘要和通話診斷記錄的預設查詢套件 概觀和存取 在您可充分利用 Log Analytics 以取得通訊服務記錄之前,必須先遵循在診斷設定中啟用記錄中所述的步驟。 啟用記錄和 Log Analytics 工作區之後,您就能存取許多實用的預設查詢套件,藉以協助您快速視覺化並瞭解記錄中可用的資料,如下所述。 透過 Log Analyt...
ユーザーが Azure Communication Services 通話の途中で Bluetooth ヘッドセットを接続すると、ユーザーが電話をいったんロックしてロック解除するまで、スピーカーから引き続き音声が出力されます。 この問題は以前の iOS バージョン (15.6、15.7) で発生しており、iOS 16 では再現できません。
Azure 通訊服務這項功能目前處於預覽狀態。 預覽API 和 SDK 在沒有服務等級協定的情況下提供。 我們建議您不要將它們用於生產工作負載。 某些功能可能不受支援,或可能具有限制的功能。 如需詳細資訊,請檢閱 Microsoft Azure 預覽版 的補充使用規定。影片條件約束 API 是功能強大的工具,可...
With Azure Communication Services, it's easy to reach out to your customers through multiple channels, whether they're using Teams or not. Calls Use Teams calling infrastructure to add high quality audio, video, and telephony calling to your custom applications. Chat Add chat to your applications...
Azure Communication Services allows you to use phone numbers to make voice calls and send SMS messages with the public-switched telephone network (PSTN). If your phone number will be used by an application (for example, to make calls or send messages on behalf of your organization), you can...
Azure Communication Services kunnen worden gebruikt om aangepaste toepassingen en ervaringen te bouwen die interactie met Microsoft Teams-gebruikers mogelijk maken via spraak, video, chatten en scherm delen. Spraak- en videogesprekken (VoIP) en chatgebruik worden alleen in rekening gebracht bij uw...
Microsoft Build is just around the corner and we can’t wait to share the latest advancements from Azure Communication Services.
For example, FedRAMP High authorization for Azure Data Box covers datacenter infrastructure services and Data Box pod and disk service, which are the online software components supporting your Data Box hardware appliance. You are wholly responsible for the authorization package that covers the physical...