程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices v1.3.3 Source: CognitiveServicesSkuTier.cs 指示当前对象是否等于同一类型的另一个对象。 C# 复制 public bool Equals (Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices.Models.CognitiveServicesSkuTier other); 参数...
Creating Azure Cognitive Service In the Azure portal, click Create a resource and search for Speech. Create a Speech Service. Fill out the form to create the Speech Service. Name:Enter a name Subscription:Select your available subscription Location:Select your location Pricing ...
Notice that I’ve chosen the F0 option, which indicates the free pricing tier, and I’ve also reused the Succinctly resource group that had been previously created. When you’re done, click Create to finalize the creation of the Speech service. Once the deployment of the Azure resource has...
Přečtěte si další informace opracovním prostoru služby Log Analytics – zvažte možnostChangingPricingTier (zvažte změnu cenové úrovně). Zvažte nakonfigurování nízkonákladového plánu protokolů Basic pro vybrané tabulky. ...
Azure AI services documentation Overview What are Azure AI services? Language support Pricing Quickstarts Concepts How-to Plan and manage costs Increase rate limit Use commitment tier pricing Diagnostic logging Recover or purge deleted resources
Requeststo theCreatesa completionforthe chat messageOperationunderAzureOpenAIAPI version2023-03-15-preview have exceeded token rate limitofyour currentOpenAIS0 pricing tier.Pleaseretryafter12seconds.Pleasego here:https://aka.ms/oai/quotaincrease if you would like to further increase the defaul...
Get the best cloud value with Microsoft Azure. Enjoy transparent pricing with no upfront costs or cancellation fees, and only pay for the resources you use.
Azure pricing Free Azure services Azure account Flexible purchase options Azure benefits and incentives Pricing tools and resources Pricing calculator TCO calculator Optimize your costs FinOps on Azure Partners Find a partner Azure Marketplace Find a partner Become a partner Azure fo...
so many ways to get started with Azure for no cost. If you have a Visual Studio subscription you can enablethe monthly free credit– I often use this to try things out away from other systems. There’s also the Azure student offer, as well as the generousfree tierfor many ...
Azure pricing and costs Similar to other public cloud providers, Azure primarily uses a PAYG pricing model that charges based on usage. However, if a single application uses multiple Azure services, each service might involve multiple pricing tiers. It's common for one service to use a subset...