Creating Azure Cognitive Service In the Azure portal, click Create a resource and search for Speech. Create a Speech Service. Fill out the form to create the Speech Service. Name:Enter a name Subscription:Select your available subscription Location:Select your location Pricing ...
(resourceGroupName) .withPricingTier(PricingTier.STANDARD_S1) .withOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem.LINUX); FunctionApp linuxFunctionApp = azure.functionApps().define("<function-app-name>") .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withExistingResourceGroup(resourceGroupName) .withNewLinuxAppServicePlan(creatableApp...
Azure Bot Service (App Service run as standard Azure Web App)More informationPricing As a part of creating your bot, Azure Bot Service will optionally provision an instance of Application Insights using the Basic tier and will appear in your Azure subscription. Azure Bot Service will then be co...
provides a set of toolkits to make Agents capable of connecting and execute actions over external tools. In my latest article, we’ve seen how, among the tools LangChain provides out of the box, LLM-powered agents are able to connect and use Azure Cognitive Services skills....
Microsoft.Azure.Management.CognitiveServices.dll Paquet: Microsoft.Azure.Management.CognitiveServices v8.3.0 Obtient ou définit le niveau d’engagement de la période d’engagement. C# [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="tier")]publicstringTier {get;set; } ...
CommitmentTier.Tier 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices.Models 程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices v1.3.3 Source: CommitmentTier.cs 承诺期承诺层。 C# 复制 public string Tier { get; } 属性值 String...
标准的语音服务提供范围广泛的语音识别和生成功能,包括语音听录、文本转语音和语音翻译。语音服务提供范围广泛的语音识别和生成功能,包括语音听录、文本转语音、语音翻译和说话人辨识。 浏览定价选项 应用筛选器来根据你的需求自定义定价选项。 价格仅是估算值,不应用作实际报价单。实际定价可能因与 Microsoft 签订的协议...
The maximum number of indexes that you can create varies by pricing tier. For more information, seeService limits. URI Parameters Expand table ParameterDescription service nameRequired. Set this to the unique, user-defined name of your search service. ...
The maximum number of indexes you can create varies by pricing tier. For more information, seeService limits. Response For a successful request, you should see status code "201 Created". By default, the response body contains the JSON for the index definition. However, if thePreferrequest head...
Azure Analysis Services is available in Developer, Basic and Standard service tiers. Within each tier exists several more instance types with different processing and memory options depending on your data and query processing workload. Detailed pricing information can be foundhere. You can pause and ...