注意:此标记依赖于 Storage 和 AzureActiveDirectory 标记 。出站否是 AzureBotServiceAzure 机器人服务。两者都有否是 AzureCloud所有数据中心公共 IP 地址。 此标记不包括 IPv6。两者都有是是 AzureCognitiveSearchAzure AI 搜索。 此标记指定搜索服务用于基于索引器的索引编制的多租户执行环境的 IP 范围。
Azure Cognitive Search(opens in new tab)is a cloud search service that gives developers APIs and tools to build rich search experiences over private, heterogeneous content in web, mobile, and enterprise applications. It has multiple components, including an API for indexing and querying, seamless i...
"cache": {"storageConnectionString":"<YOUR-STORAGE-ACCOUNT-CONNECTION-STRING>","enableReprocessing":true} 快取物件具有必要和選擇性的屬性。 財產描述 storageConnectionString必填。 指定用來快取中繼結果的記憶體帳戶。 使用您提供的帳戶,搜尋服務會建立前面加上ms-az-search-indexercache的 Blob 容器,並以索引...
A Table szolgáltatásban tárolt entitás, amely az Azure Cognitive Search szolgáltatás használatával indexelt.MegoldásAz Azure-üzenetsorok használatával olyan megoldást valósíthat meg, amely végleges konzisztenciát biztosít két vagy több partíció vagy tárolórendszer közöt...
如果您使用 Blob 索引子,而且您的文件索引鍵是 metadata_storage_path 欄位,請確定索引子定義具有 base64Encode 對應函式,且 parameters 等於null,而不是純文字路徑。 文件索引鍵無效 Document key cannot be longer than 1024 characters 修改文件索引鍵以符合驗證需求。 無法將欄位對應套用至欄位 Could not ...
Storage Data Lake (new GA release). These are ready to use in your production applications. You can find details of all released libraries onour releases page. New preview releases: Azure Identity. Azure Cognitive Search. Cosmos DB (Java only). ...
{"IsEncrypted":false,"Values":{"AzureWebJobsStorage":"","FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME":"node","SearchApiKey":"03097125077C18172260E41153975439","SearchServiceName":"azs-playground","SearchIndexName":"good-books","SearchFacets":"authors*,language_code"}} ...
Azure AI Search has the concepts ofsearch services,indexes,documents,indexers,data sources,skillsets, andsynonym maps. A search service hosts index, indexers, data sources, skillsets, and synonym maps as top-level objects. A search index provides persistent storage of search documents. Search docum...
As of November 15, 2023, Azure Cognitive Search has been renamed to Azure AI Search. Azure AI Search Power Skills Power Skills are a collection of useful functions to be deployed as custom skills for Azure AI Search. The skills can be used as templates or starting points for your own cust...
Ingest your content from Azure sources like Azure Blob storage, Azure Table storage, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Cosmos DB, as well as hundreds of third-party sources, via dedicated connectors. Extract text-based content from file formats such as PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and CSV. ...