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Now that you have gained a deeper understanding of cloud computing and Microsoft Azure, lets explore the ways in which Azure can be used in an academic setting. Imagine you're developing a college project. With Azure, you have all the resources you need to ensure your project is a success...
Browse an A-to-Z directory of generally available Microsoft Azure cloud computing services--app, compute, data, networking, and more.
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“After the 4-customer dojo’s and 5 master classes I have delivered, if I need to choose 1 aspect that makes Dojo so different and so immersive is the group discussion element embedded in its structure. The most effective learning and the greatest growth I have seen happening are achieved...
Training occurs on an Azure N-series NC24 GPU-enabled Virtual Machine, which allows training of our DNNs with bare-metal GPU hardware acceleration in the public cloud using as many as four NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPUs.We use the HDInsight Spark Cluster to massively ...