Get pricing info for Azure Cloud Services for deploying apps and APIs. No upfront costs. Pay as you go. FREE trial.
Azure App Service is a fully managed platform-as-a-service that is optimized for web and API applications. Available in a range of Free, Basic, Premium, and Isolated Environment plans, it is a cost-effective way to rapidly migrate, modernize, and build web and API apps in the cloud. ...
在[方案總管] 中,確定已選取 ContosoAdsCloudService 作為啟動專案。 如果您使用 Visual Studio 2015 或更新版本,變更 ContosoAdsWeb 專案中的 Web.config 檔案和 ContosoAdsCloudService 專案中的 ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg 檔案的應用程式中的 SQL Server 連接字串。 在每個案例中,將 "(localdb)\v11.0" ...'EUR'&$filter=serviceFamily eq 'Compute' API 响应示例 下面是没有预留价格的示例 API 响应。 JSON 复制 { "currencyCode": "USD", "tierMinimumUnits": 0.0, "retailPrice": 0.176346, "unitPrice": 0.176346, "armRegionName": "westeurope...
Cloud Service Operating Systems Cloud Service Role Instances Cloud Service Roles Cloud Services Cloud Services Update Domain Community Galleries Community Gallery Image Versions Community Gallery Images Dedicated Host Groups Dedicated Hosts Disk Accesses Disk Encryption Sets Disk Restore Point Disks Galleries Ga...
在“解决方案资源管理器”中,确保 ContosoAdsCloudService 被选为启动项目。 如果使用 Visual Studio 2015 或更高版本,请在 ContosoAdsWeb 项目的应用程序 Web.config 文件以及 ContosoAdsCloudService 项目的 ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg 文件中,更改 SQL Server 连接字符串。 对于每种情况,请将“(localdb)\v...
The storage service is always compliant with the replica policies at any given point in time. As mentioned earlier, the request traffic from applications will be load-balanced across multiple nodes. This kind of architecture will help the massive scales required by public cloud PaaS offerings such...
serviceId serviceFamily priceType armSkuName 将筛选器追加到 API 终结点,如 API 示例调用中所示。 支持的货币 将货币代码追加到 API 终结点,如 API 示例调用中所示。 货币代码详细信息 USD美元 澳元澳元 林得巴西雷亚尔 Cad加元 Chf瑞士法郎 人民币人民币 ...
Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing service that is used for creating a variety of scalable solutions for different use-cases. Azure's biggest competitors are Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud. Microsoft Azure revenue Microsoft does not publish exact details of revenue derived from ...
Oracle Cloud pricing is easier to understand and model because most options are already included in the price. Plus, service pricing is the same across all global regions. OCI's Always Free pricing tier provides many services for free up to generous limits., such as 10 TB of data egress fr...