Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
弹性SAN 是在 Azure 上构建的云原生存储区域网络 (SAN) 服务。获取对端到端体验(如本地 SAN)的访问权限。Azure 弹性 SAN 管理有状态容器应用程序的永久存储卷Azure 容器存储预览版 大规模简化存储数据管理任务Azure 存储操作 "实现超级磁盘存储后,我们便迎来顿悟时刻。我们知道一开始迁移到云将很具有挑战性。但是,当...
The Azure Storage platform is Microsoft's cloud storage solution. Azure Storage provides highly available, secure, durable, massively scalable, and redundant storage for data objects in the cloud. Learn about the services available in Azure Storage and h
Azure Storage data services The Azure Storage platform includes the following data services: Azure Blobs: A massively scalable object store for text and binary data. Also includes support for big data analytics through Data Lake Storage. Azure Files: Managed file shares for cloud or on-premises de...
Giza是构建在Azure Blob Storage之上的一层服务,在此之前Azure BLOB Storage只支持单Datacenter(虽然可以通过异步复制在不同的Stamp之间同步数据,但只能是一个最终一致性的系统),并且通过LRC的优化在保证可靠性和可用性的前提下将存储成本降到了足够低(1.3),但是随着业务的发展,对存储的需求要求越来越高,对DC级别的故...
$Storage="StorageAccountName"$Key="StorageAccountKey"$Container="BlobContainer"$blobs=Get-AzureStorageBlob-Container$Container$blob.icloudblob.setstandardblobtier("Cool") Azure CLI You can also use Azure CLI to manage access tiers on storage accounts. Here are some of the cmdlets yo...
注意 フォルダー レベルでアクセス許可 (ACL アクセス許可) を設定することもできます。 ACL 権限の詳細については、Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 でのアクセス制御リスト を参照してください。データの準備Intelligent Recommendations は、複数のデータ型をサポートしています。 最適な結果...