Use Azure VM Image Builder to streamline virtual machine image building with a fully managed service that supports the tools you love.
Understand the networking options available to you when you deploy the Azure VM Image Builder service.
有关详细信息,请参阅使用Azure CLI 配置 Azure VM 映像生成器服务权限或使用PowerShell 配置 Azure VM 映像生成器服务权限。 创建映像 将映像配置提交到 Azure VM 映像生成器。 PowerShell 复制 打开Cloud Shell New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $imageResourceGroup -TemplateFile $templateFilePath ...
az vm image terms accept az vm image terms show az vm show 后续步骤 将VM 移动到另一个 Azure 区域 将VM 移到其他订阅或资源组 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 在Microsoft Q&A 获取帮助 其他资源 培训 模块 为商业市场创建虚拟机产品/服务 - Training ...
When you create a new VM from a specialized image, the new VM retains the computer name of the original VM. Other computer-specific information, like the CMID, is also kept. This duplicate information can cause issues. When copying a VM, be aware of what types of computer-specific informa...
If this value is used, the OS disk is deleted when VM is deleted. Detach. If this value is used, the os disk is retained after VM is deleted. The default value is set to Detach. For an ephemeral OS Disk, the default value is set to Delete. The user cannot change the delete optio...
确认所选的虚拟机大小 (Virtual machine size),或单击更改大小 (Change size)链接以查看 VM 大小选项。单击选择 (Select)以确认。 仅显示受支持的虚拟机大小。 配置存储帐户。您可以使用现有存储帐户,也可以创建新的存储帐户。 输入存储帐户的名称 (Name),然后单击确定 (OK)。存储帐户名称只能包含小写字母...
Detach If this value is used, the OS disk is retained after VMSS Flex VM is deleted. The default value is set to Delete. For an Ephemeral OS Disk, the default value is set to Delete. User cannot change the delete option for Ephemeral OS Disk. DiskEncryptionSetParameters Describes the ...
order to change SKU, not required for changing size but this will still cause a reboot. On the other hand, ASM places lots of more restrictions: this is mainly due to the Cloud Service concept and to the Azure Cluster pinning that is automatically done at first VM creation time. If yo...
The deployed proxy VM size isStandard A1_v2, in addition to the build VM. The VM Image Builder service uses the proxy VM to send commands between the service and the build VM. You can't change the proxy VM properties (this restriction includes the size and the operating system). ...