{ "identity": { "type": "SystemAssigned" } } 如果已定義多個使用者指派的身分識別,若要保留這些身分識別,而只移除系統指派的身分識別,必須使用逗號分隔清單來指定每個使用者指派的身分識別。 下方範例使用 HTTP PATCH 方法。JSON 複製 { "identity" : { "type": "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned", "userAss...
如果您使用的是 Privileged Identity Management,請參閱「探索Azure 資源以進行管理」或「指派Azure 資源角色」。 執行下一節中的步驟,以移除提升許可權的存取權。 步驟2:移除提升許可權的存取權 若要移除根範圍 (/) 的使用者存取系統管理員角色指派,請遵循下列步驟。 以用來提高存取權的相同使用者身分登入。 流覽...
本文将介绍 Azure 标识库如何使用用户提供的凭据支持 Microsoft Entra 令牌身份验证。 这种支持是通过本文中讨论的一组 TokenCredential 实现来实现的。 本文介绍以下主题: 设备代码凭据 交互式浏览器凭据 用户名密码凭据 若要排查用户凭据身份验证问题,请参阅排查用户凭据身份验证问题。
UserIdentity() 初始化 UserIdentity 类的新实例。 UserIdentity(String, String) 初始化 UserIdentity 类的新实例。 UserIdentity() 初始化 UserIdentity 类的新实例。 C# 复制 public UserIdentity (); 适用于 Azure SDK for .NET Legacy 产品版本 Azure SDK for .NET Legacy UserIdentity(String,...
'InstanceView' retrieves a snapshot of the runtime properties of the virtual machine that is managed by the platform and can change outside of control plane operations. 'UserData' retrieves the UserData property as part of the VM model view that was provided by the user during the VM ...
When Google announced its migration from Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), push services like Azure Notification Hubs had to adjust how we send notifications to Android devices to accommodate the change. If your app uses the GCM library, follow Google’s instructions...
Below is an example of the Active Directory Domain Services setting: User must change password at next logon. User must change password at next logon As an example from the Microsoft 365 SaaS environment, an admin has selected “reset password” and checked the option: Require this user to...
You can find the changes for each version in thechange log. 3. Installation $ npm install passport-azure-ad 4. Usage This library contains two strategies: OIDCStrategy and BearerStrategy. OIDCStrategy uses OpenID Connect protocol for web application login purposes. It works in the following manne...
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} liatrio / packer-azure-github-runner Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 1 Star 1 </...
git_revert_line.sh - reverts the first line that matches a given regex from the Git head commit's version of the same line number. Useful to revert some changes caused by over zealous sed'ing scripts, where you want to cherry-pick revert a single line change git_files_in_history.sh ...