快照新层级中的快照和原始层级中的基本 blob,以及其他快照中的任何不重复的块。1 1如果有其他先前版本或快照尚未从其原始层级中移出,则会根据这些版本或快照包含的不重复的块的数量对它们进行收费,如在未显式设置 Blob 层级时进行计费中所述。 下图说明了当包含快照的 blob 移到另一个层级时,如何针对对象进行计费...
首先,将学习如何使用存储访问策略和共享访问签名在 Blob 存储中新建容器。 然后,学习如何创建 SQL Server 凭据以将 SQL Server 与 Azure Blob 存储相集成。 接下来,将数据库备份到 Blob 存储,并将其还原到 Azure 虚拟机。 然后,使用 SQL Server 文件快照事务日志备份还原到某个时间点和新的数据库。 最后,...
storageAccounts / blobServices 存储帐户 必须是 default。 storageAccounts / blobServices / containers 存储帐户 3-63 小写字母、数字和连字符以小写字母或数字开头。 不能使用连续的连字符。 storageAccounts / fileServices 存储帐户 必须是 default。 storageAccounts / fileServices / shares 存储帐户 3-63 小写...
Uno snapshot è una versione di sola lettura di un BLOB eseguito in un determinato momento. Nota Il controllo delle versioni del BLOB offre un ottimo modo per gestire le versioni precedenti di un BLOB. Per altre informazioni, vedere Controllo delle versioni del BLOB. Informazioni sugli sna...
如果试图通过仅从 Azure Blob 存储容器中删除备份文件来删除备份集,将只删除备份文件本身 - 相关的文件快照将保留。 如果发现自己处于这种情况下,请使用sys.fn_db_backup_file_snapshots (Transact-SQL)系统函数来标识孤立文件快照的 URL,并使用sp_delete_backup_file_snapshot (Transact-SQL)系统存储过程来删除每个...
Backup to Azure Storage block blob vs. page blob There are two types of blobs that can be stored in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage: block and page blobs. For SQL Server 2016 and later, block blob is preferred. If the storage key is used in the credential, page blob will be used; if ...
Backup to Azure Storage block blob vs. page blob There are two types of blobs that can be stored in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage: block and page blobs. For SQL Server 2016 and later, block blob is preferred. If the storage key is used in the credential, page blob will be used; if ...
For example, Ephemeral Disk, newly introduced as a supported block storage offering for containers, is well-suited for latency-sensitive workloads that benefit from local NVMe or temp SSD storage. KPN, a Dutch telecommunications company, shared their positive experience using Azure Container Storage ...
Staff and volunteers can collaborate securely from any location, using any device. Microsoft Teams facilitates seamless communication and teamwork. Getting Started Visit theMicrosoft Nonprofits Eligibility pageto check if your organization qualifies. Explore Microsoft 365 plans and pricinghere....
access Composed of pages that are referenced by offsets from the beginning of the blob Maximum size of 1TB, which can be composed of multiple pages, or a single 1TB page Blob storage provides options for storing metadata for each blob and for taking snapshots of blobs for backups...