Premium Storage Premium Blob Storage では、高トランザクション レートに最適化された価格で、一貫性のある低遅延のブロック BLOB と追加 BLOB へのアクセスを提供します。 従量課金制のデータ ストレージ料金 料金はすべて、GB 単位の、1 か月ごとの料金です。 従量課金制のデータ スト...
Premium storage Premium blob storage provides access to block blobs and append blobs with low and consistent latency, with pricing optimized for high transaction rates. Data storage prices pay-as-you-go All prices are per GB per month. Data storage prices pay-as-you-goPremiumHotCoolColdArchive...
標準一般用途 v2Blob 儲存體 (包括 Data Lake Storage1)、佇列儲存體、資料表儲存體及 Azure 檔案儲存體本地備援儲存體 (LRS) / 異地備援儲存體 (GRS) / 讀取權限異地備援儲存體 (RA-GRS) 區域備援儲存體 (ZRS) / 異地區域備援儲存體 (GZRS) / 讀取權限異地區域備援儲存體 (RA-GZRS)2Blob、檔案共用...
Blob 索引标记(按标记定价):通过这些标记可以使用键值属性将数据分类。 更改源(按记录的更改定价):使用此选项可以跟踪对 Blob 及其元数据的更改。 加密范围(按月定价):指定范围可以在每个容器或每个 Blob 级别使用不同的加密密钥。 查询加速(按扫描和返回的数据 GB 数定价):使用此功能可以通过应...
我们建议配置 Blob 备份。潜在优势:防止意外或恶意删除数据有关详细信息,请参阅 Azure Blob 备份概览订阅启用Azure 备份,为数据提供简单、可靠且经济高效的保护通过Azure 上强大的一键式备份,确保你的信息和应用程序安全。 激活 Azure 备份,为各种工作负荷(包括 VM、SQL 数据库、应用程序和文件共享)提供经济高效的...
Azure Data Lake Gen2 is a service based onAzure Blob Storage, offering low-cost, tiered storage with high availability and disaster recovery capabilities. Microsoft calls it the "convergence" of Data Lake Gen1 capabilities with Blob Storage. ...
The console screenshot blob URI. Note: This will not be set if boot diagnostics is currently enabled with managed storage. serialConsoleLogBlobUri string The serial console log blob Uri. Note: This will not be set if boot diagnostics is currently enabled with managed storage. status Instanc...
This article uses the Azure Blob Storage inventory feature and Azure Synapse to calculate the blob count and total size of blobs per container. These values are useful when optimizing blob usage per container.Enable inventory reportsThe first step in this method is to enable inventory reports on ...
Azure blob storage is a type of Azure storage that can be used to store a huge set of unstructured data. We can also use this storage type for Azure data lake analytics solutions. The first step towards creating blob storage is to create a storage account. Below are high-level steps you...
5. Azure Blob Studio If you are looking for the best Microsoft Azure dev tools for managing Azure resources, consider Azure Blob Studio for your business needs. It is a stand-alone application with an extension available for Visual Studio. Using this tool, you can easily create, configure, ...