この記事では、Azure Blob Storage の Backup to URL を使用する方法について説明します。 S3 互換ストレージの Backup to URL を使用する方法の詳細については、「S3 互換オブジェクト ストレージを使用した SQL Server のバックアップと復元」を参照してください。
Blob 版本控制和 Blob 更改源:对于已经为操作备份配置的存储帐户,已启用版本控制和更改源。 删除锁定:在存储帐户上配置操作备份也会对存储帐户应用删除锁定。 可以在存储帐户的“锁定”选项卡下查看备份应用的删除锁定。 要允许备份在要保护的存储帐户上启用这些属性,必须在相应的存储帐户上为备份保管库授予“存储帐户...
Azure 备份现在允许配置操作备份和保管备份,以保护存储帐户中的块 blob。 Blob 的保管备份是一种受管理的异地备份解决方案,它将备份数据存储在常规 v2 存储帐户中,使你能够保护备份数据免受勒索软件攻击,或避免因恶意或流氓管理员而造成源数据丢失。 使用保管备份,可以: ...
Azure Blob Storage provides scalable, cost-efficient object storage in the cloud. Store and access unstructured data for your most demanding workloads.
对于版本低于 SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU2 的 SQL Server,可使用外接程序 SQL Server Backup to Microsoft Azure Tool 快速轻松地创建目标为 Microsoft Azure 存储的备份。 Azure Blob 存储中的数据库文件的文件快照备份通过使用 Azure 快照,SQL Server 文件快照备份可以通过使用 Azure Blo...
Blob storage events are fired for create, replace and deletes. Hence,modifications to the blobs are not supported at this point of timebut it will be eventually supported. In case a user creates a file at T1 and deletes the same file at T10 and the backup listener has not copied that...
const{BlobServiceClient,StorageSharedKeyCredential}=require("@azure/storage-blob"); Create the blob service client TheBlobServiceClientrequires an URL to the blob service and an access credential. It also optionally accepts some settings in theoptionsparameter. ...
This article introduces the concepts, requirements and components necessary to use Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as a backup destination. The backup and restore functionality are same or similar to when using DISK or TAPE, with a few differences. These differences and a few code examples are include...
This article introduces the concepts, requirements and components necessary to use Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as a backup destination. The backup and restore functionality are same or similar to when using DISK or TAPE, with a few differences. These differences and a few code examples are include...
https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs.zh-cn/blob/master/articles/storage/common/storage-use-azcopy-v10.md 这里仅仅介绍一两个简单例子,如下所示(Azcopy V7): azcopy \ --source /mysql/mysql_backup/2018-10-11 \ --destination https://xxxxx.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/xxxxx/ \ ...