后面我们分别看一下每个场景下的解决方案,我们先来看一下 Blob 文件名和元数据检索查询场景,对于元数据检索场景,Azure Blob 服务原生支持在数据文件之上添加 Metadata,通过 Metadata 用户可以获得 Blob 文件的基础信息,通常 Metadata 都是通过 Key-Value 的方式存储,文件名场景我们可以理解为一个一维的 Metadata。比如...
{"properties": {"accountName":"contoso","requestUrl":"https://contoso.blob.core.windows.net:443/upload?restype=container&comp=list&prefix=&delimiter=/&marker=&maxresults=30&include=metadata&_=1551405598426","userAgentHeader":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KH...
如需詳細資訊,請檢閱為Blob 儲存體編製索引。 如果您使用 Blob 索引子,而且您的文件索引鍵是 metadata_storage_path 欄位,請確定索引子定義具有 base64Encode 對應函式,且 parameters 等於null,而不是純文字路徑。 文件索引鍵無效 Document key cannot be longer than 1024 characters 修改文件索引鍵以符合驗證需...
Microsoft.Azure.Search.Service v10.1.0 Source: BlobExtractionMode.cs Specifies that all metadata and textual content extracted from the blob will be indexed. This is the default value. https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/search/search-howto-indexing-azure-blob-storage#document-ext...
以下代码示例在 blob 上设置元数据。 一个值是使用集合的 Add 方法设置的。 另一个值是使用隐式键/值语法设置的。C# 复制 public static async Task AddBlobMetadataAsync(BlobClient blob) { Console.WriteLine("Adding blob metadata..."); try { IDictionary<strin...
Find Blobs By Tags Finds all blobs in the storage account whose tags match a specified search expression. Get Blob Metadata Returns all user-defined metadata for a specified blob. Set Blob Metadata Sets user-defined metadata for a specified blob as one or more name-value pairs. Lease Blob Es...
https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?comp=metadataHTTP/1.1 Emulated Storage Service URI When you're making a request against the emulated storage service, specify the emulator hostname and Blob Storage port as127.0.0.1:10000, followed by the emulated storage account name: ...
service is a .zip file which is the exact same format that the Azure Percept required. All I needed to do was take the zip file and place it in Azure Blob Storage. I used a SAS key along with the url and updated the IoT Hub device twin for the azureeyemodule to load my custom ...
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Once we have our image stored in Azure Blob Storage, we are going to take the URL and store it in our database. The metadata you decide to store will depend on your application. In this example, I add a caption for the file, the name, and the URL, but you might also wa...