Intermédiaire Développeur Azure Stockage Blob Azure Découvrez les principales fonctions et fonctionnalités du stockage Blob Azure.Objectifs d’apprentissage À l’issue de ce module, vous pourrez : Identifier les différents types de comptes de stockage et la hiérarchie des ressources pour le...
Le Stockage Blob Azure est un service qui vous permet de stocker des quantités massives de données non structurées sous forme d’objets binaires volumineux, ou blobs, dans le cloud. Les Blobs constituent un moyen efficace de stocker des fichiers de données dans un ...
Q: Does Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer support managing both Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage? A: Yes, Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer supports managing both Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage. You can easily navigate and work with both types of storage resources withi...
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
您也將了解如何建立 Blob 的快照集、管理容器存取原則,以及建立共用的存取簽章。 必要條件 若要存取 Azure 儲存體,您需要有 Azure 訂用帳戶。 如果您還沒有訂用帳戶,請先建立免費帳戶,再開始操作。 對Azure 儲存體的所有存取都是透過儲存體帳戶進行。 在本快速入門中,使用 Azure 入口網站、Azure PowerShell 或...
了解如何使用 Azure 存储资源管理器创建容器和 blob、将 blob 下载到本地计算机,以及查看容器中的所有 blob。
Azure Blob Storage Whether you’re storing large amounts of unstructured data, exposing data publicly, or storing application data privately, manage your resources with Storage Explorer. Manage now Azure Data Lake Storage Access and manage large amounts of unstructured data and other Azure entities ...
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
Storage Explorer tabs now show additional information to differentiate from other tabs with the same label. For example, if you are working on several blob containers with the same name but from different storage accounts, the name of the storage account will be displayed next to the tab label...
I will explore how to manage Azure blob storage using storage explorer. Azure blob storage is a storage solution to store various types of data at a massive scale in the cloud environment. If you have a large number of storage accounts in Azure storage, then it will be difficult to manage...