默认情况下,目标作用域设置为resourceGroup。 如果要在资源组级别进行部署,则无需在 Bicep 文件中设置目标作用域。 允许的值为: resourceGroup - 用于资源组部署的默认值。 subscription - 用于订阅部署。 managementGroup - 用于管理组部署。 tenant - 用于租户部署。
若要使用 Bicep 建立資源群組,請以資源群組的名稱和位置定義 Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups 資源。下列範例顯示建立空資源群組的 Bicep 檔案。 請注意,其目標範圍是 subscription。Bicep 複製 targetScope='subscription' param resourceGroupName string param resourceGroupLocation string resource newRG 'Microsoft....
部署Bicep 文件将该Bicep 文件另存为本地计算机上的 main.bicep。 使用Azure CLI 或 Azure PowerShell 来部署该 Bicep 文件。 CLI PowerShell Azure CLI 复制 az group create --name exampleRG --location eastus az deployment group create --resource-group exampleRG --template-file main.bicep --...
若要部署至資源群組,請使用az deployment group create: Azure CLI az deployment group create--resource-group<resource-group-name>--template-file<path-to-bicep> 若要部署至訂閱,請使用az deployment sub create: Azure CLI az deployment sub create--location<location>--template-file<path-to-bicep> ...
modules/storage.bicep @description('location which resources should be deployed') param location string = resourceGroup().location @description('name of storage account') @minLength(6) @maxLength(24) param storageAccountName string @description('kind of storage account') ...
displayName: 'Validate BICEP Code with Azure CLI' inputs: azureSubscription: 'Azure Global' scriptType: bash scriptLocation: inlineScript inlineScript: > az deployment group validate --resource-group $(ResourceGroupName) --template-file Deploy/main.bicep ...
, the bicep code performs the following steps: creates a new user-defined managed identity. assign the new managed identity to the cognitive services user role with the resource group as a scope. federate the managed identity with the service account used by the chat...
PowerShell Documentation Microsoft Azure Documentation GitHubDocs Azure Resource Manager Bicep Telemetry Modules provided in this library have telemetry enabled by default. To learn more about this feature, please refer to theTelemetry articlein the wiki....
Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources - GitHub - ciwchris/bicep: Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources