Bicep 文件中定义的资源类型为 Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments。Bicep 文件使用三个参数以部署策略分配:policyAssignmentName 创建名为 audit-vm-managed-disks 的策略分配。 policyDefinitionID 使用内置策略定义的 ID。 有关参考,用于获取 ID 的命令位于用于部署模板的部分中。 policyDisplayName 创建显示在 ...
policy會指派儲存在$definition變數中的原則定義。 description可用來新增原則指派的相關內容。 原則指派的結果類似下列範例: 輸出 "description": "Azure CLI policy assignment to resource group", "displayName": "Audit VM managed disks", "enforcementMode": "Default", "id": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}...
This page is an index of Azure Policy built-in policy definitions for Azure Batch. For additional Azure Policy built-ins for other services, see Azure Policy built-in definitions.The name of each built-in policy definition links to the policy definition in the Azure portal. Use the link in...
PolicyDefinitionReference.cs The ID of the policy definition or policy set definition. C# publicAzure.Provisioning.BicepValue<string> PolicyDefinitionId {get;set; } Property Value BicepValue<String> Applies to ProductVersions Azure SDK for .NETLatest, Preview ...
\"policySetDefinitionDisplayName\":\"Azure Security Benchmark\",\"policySetDefinitionVersion\":\"57.0.0\",\"policyDefinitionName\":\"***\",\"policyDefinitionDisplayName\":\"Network Watcher should be enabled\",\"policyDefinitionVersion\":\"3.0.0\",\"policyDefinitionEffect\":\"AuditIfNotExi...
Bicep ARM template Azure CLI Azure PowerShell Standard logic app workflows Portal Portal - Templates gallery Visual Studio Code Tutorials Samples Concepts How-to guides Reference Billing and pricing models Architecture patterns Managed connector reference Built-in service provider connector reference - Standa...
Although ARM templates can seem complex to understand and implement as a unified solution, you can use abstraction tools, such as Bicep, Terraform, or Pulumi, which provide a code-like experience for creating your infrastructure definition. Although these tools provide abstraction layers over ARM ...
This is a language provided by Microsoft that is wrapped in Bicep to make it simple to write. JSON is a structural definition that is difficult to handle and requires a level of craftsmanship to describe. \n Bicep can allow you to use comments on the scripts as ...
Azure Digital Twins (ADT), and its underlyingDigital Twins Definition Language (DTDL), are at the heart of Smart Facilities solutions built on Azure. DTDL is the language by which developers can define the language of the entities they expect to use in their topologies. Since DTDL is a bl...
Figure 3: Set auto-expiry of environments. Environments provisioned from the “catalog” of templates are already built around standardized enterprise configurations and governance, eliminating any compliance worry. Templates are built as ARM (and eventually Terraform and Bicep) files and kept in source...