BCP398 错误 在{BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)} 中错误地配置了提供程序 {name}。 它在“{RootConfiguration.ProvidersConfigurationKey}”部分中配置为内置提供程序,但不存在内置提供程序。 BCP399 错误 从注册表提取 az types 需要启用实验性功能“{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.DynamicTypeLoading)}...
可以通过将以下部分添加到bicepconfig.json文件来启用实验性功能。 使用试验性功能自动启用语言版本 2.0代码生成。 下面是启用“assertions”和“testFramework”功能的示例。 JSON {"experimentalFeaturesEnabled": {"assertions":true,"testFramework":true} } ...
Bicep Kubernetes 拡張機能は現在プレビュー段階です。Bicep 構成ファイルからこの機能を有効にするには、次を追加します。 JSON {"experimentalFeaturesEnabled": {"extensibility":true, } } 注意 AKS クラスターの迅速なプロビジョニングを開始するため、この記事には、評価のみを目的と...
Bicep version 0.13.1 Describe the bug It's unclear whether this is a Bicep bug or not, buteverysingle deployment produced on my system, (including those downloaded off previous deployments in Azure) is failing to publish to Azure with the same error: The message received from attempting to d...
In Bicep, seemulti-line strings. languageVersion 2.0 Note Using anylanguageVersionthat ends in-experimentalis not recommended in production environments because experimental functionality could be changed at any time. Note The current release of the Azure Resource Manager Tools extension for Visual Studio...
The plan for Aspire 9 is to support customization of the container app for services by leveraging the CDK to generate the bicep IaC for a given container app. To prepare for that new world, we'd li...
Windows Terminal is getting smarter with GitHub Copilot X. Users of GitHub Copilot will be able to take advantage of natural language AI both inline and in an experimental chat experience to recommend commands, explain errors and take actions within the Terminal app. Microsoft is also experimentin...
Azure CLI, Azure portal, Azure Functions Core Tools, ARM/Bicep templates, and Azure Developer CLI (azd) CI/CD tools such as GitHub Actions and Azure pipeline tasks Built-in support for Azure Functions triggers and bindings Specific platform-managed scaling for HTTP, Azure...
{uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'resourcestg'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2022-09-01'= {name:uniqueStorageNamelocation:locationsku: {name:storageSKU}kind:'StorageV2'properties: {supportsHttpsTrafficOnly:true} }modulewebModule'./webApp.bicep'= {name:'webDeploy'params: {skuName:'S1'location...
更新功能名稱驗證,以不允許冒號字元。 az appconfig kv import 更新功能名稱驗證。 匯入期間會略過不正確功能旗標。 az appconfig 更新預設連接字串解析邏輯。 計算 az vm create 將[信任啟動 VM] 的預設值--enable-secure-bootTrue設為 。 這會進一步降低進入的障礙,並預設提供客戶一組完整的受信任啟動功能。