name: todo-nodejs-mongo-aca metadata: template: todo-nodejs-mongo-aca@0.0.1-beta infra: provider: bicep deploymentStacks: actionOnUnmanage: resources: delete resourceGroups: delete denySettings: mode: denyDelete excludedActions: - Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/delete excludedReso...
实时学习 - Bicep 和 GitHub Actions 使用部署堆栈 示例- Azure 服务 概念 Bicep 文件 数据类型 用户定义的数据类型(类型) 用户定义的函数 (func) 参数(param) 变量(var) 导入(import) 资源(resource) 现有资源 (existing) 子资源 (parent) 扩展资源 (scope) ...
#azure.yamlname:storagemetadata:template:azd-test/storagetest@v1infra:provider:bicepdeploymentStacks:actionOnUnmanage:resourceGroups:delete#delete or detachresources:delete#delete or detachdenySettings:mode:denyDelete#denyDelete, denyWriteAndDelete, noneapplyToChildScopes:false#true | falseexcludedActions:#...
12 December 2024 UTC+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam Automating Azure Public DNS Zone Management with Bicep and Deployment Stacks Meetup December 2024 In this session, we will explore how to efficiently manage Azure Public DNS zones using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles. By leveraging Azure Bicep an...
In this quickstart, you learn how to configure continuous integration in Azure Pipelines by using Bicep and bicepparam files. It shows how to use an Azure CLI task to deploy a bicepparam file.
Quickstart: Create and deploy a deployment stack with Bicep (Preview) - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn Quickstart: Create and deploy a deployment stack with Bicep from template specs - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn How-To: Create & deploy deployment stacks in Bicep ...
We're testing out deployment stacks for our infrastructure. Last night we removed a bunch of resources from our template, and in our CD pipeline we run: az stack group create --resource-group ourresourcegroup --name app-dev --template-file .\main.bicep --parameters whatever.json --yes -...
az deployment group create: Support supplemental parameters when used with .bicepparam parameter file az deployment: Add support for determining type of parameters whose definition uses a $refAROaz aro create: Add new --enable-preconfigured-nsg parameter, allowing users to enable or disable preconfigu...
'''//or primaryScriptUri:''supportingScriptUris:[]timeout:'PT30M'cleanupPreference:'OnSuccess'retentionInterval:'P1D'}} Learn Module to get started:Build your first Bicep template ...
Pre-provision environments for other teams with deployment stacks Azure Infrastructure as Code teaches you to use Azure’s native infrastructure as code (IaC) tools, like ARM and Bicep, to build, manage, and scale infrastructure with just a few lines of code. You’ll discover ARM templates, ...