DeploymentScriptInvalidOperation Bicep 文件中的部署脚本资源定义包含无效的属性名。 DeploymentScriptResourceConflict 如果部署脚本资源处于非终端状态且执行未超过 1 小时,则无法删除该部署脚本资源。 或者,无法同时重新运行资源标识符相同(订阅、资源组名称和资源名称相同)但脚本正文内容不同的同一部署脚本。 DeploymentScript...
在第一个资源中,定义一个名为 $DeploymentScriptOutputs 的变量,并使用它来存储输出值$DeploymentScriptOutputs。 若要访问模板内另一个资源的输出值,请使用:JSON 复制 reference('<ResourceName>').outputs.text 处理CLI 脚本的输出与Azure PowerShell 部署脚本相比,CLI/bash 不会公开用于存储脚本输出的通用变量。
可以将复杂的逻辑分成一个或多个支持脚本文件。 如有必要,请使用 supportingScriptUris 属性向支持性脚本文件提供一个 URI 数组。CLI PowerShell Bicep 复制 param name string = 'John Dole' param location string = resourceGroup().location resource deploymentScript 'Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2023...
.bicep > modules/avnmDeploymentScript.bicep curl > modules/hub.bicep curl
- script: > az bicep build --file Deploy/main.bicep name: LintCode displayName: 'Lint Code Step' - stage: Validate jobs: - job: ValidateCode displayName: 'Validate deployment code' steps: - task: AzureCLI@2 name: ValidateCodeWithCLI ...
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions 3 samples/deployment-script/hello.ps1 Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ param([string] $name) $output = "Hello {0}" -f $name Write-Output "Output is: '$output'." 2 changes: 2 additions & 0 ...
- name: Deployment uses: azure/bicep-deploy@v1 with: type: deploymentStack operation: create name: Development location: westus2 scope: subscription subscription-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 template-file: ./main.bicep parameters-file: ./main.bicepparam action-on-unmanage-resources: ...
Example: Deployment of Azure Firewall after deployment of Hub-vNET/Subnet is complete.- In some cases, bicep and the target resource are linked behind the scenes, called implicit dependencies. In such cases, there is no need to specify the dependency. The "output" ...
Running Bicep from GitHub Actions With a step forazure/loginsetup, the next step needs to run the Bicep template with theazure/arm-deployAction. 12345678910111213 ✂ -name:Ensure resource group existsuses:azure/CLI@v1with:inlineScript:|az group create -g ${{ secrets.RESOURCE_GROUP }} -l ...
(AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN_CALM_COAST_0DF39B910)deployment_environment:stagingworkingDirectory:$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/drop-task:UseDotNet@2displayName:Install .NET SDKinputs:packageType:'sdk'version:'6.0.x'-script:|chmod -R a+x $(System.ArtifactsDirectory...