若要在保管库上禁用软删除,必须具有该保管库的“备份参与者”角色(你应有权在保管库上执行 Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupconfig/write)。 如果禁用此功能,将来删除任何受保护项将导致立即删除,而无法还原。 禁用此功能之前,以软删除状态存在的备份数据将在 14 天内保持软删除状态。 若要立即永久删除这些...
Soft delete is enabled by default on newly created vaults to protect backup data from accidental or malicious deletes. Disabling this feature isn't recommended. The only circumstance where you should consider disabling soft delete is if you're planning on moving your protected items to a new vau...
本文介绍如何配置和使用增强式软删除来保护数据和恢复备份(如果已删除)。备注 通过将软删除状态启用为 Always-on 来启用增强的软删除后,无法为该保管库禁用它。准备工作恢复服务保管库和备份保管库支持增强式软删除。 增强型软删除适用于恢复服务保管库和备份保管库中的所有保管库...
软删除有助于减轻意外删除关键数据的影响。 本指南将帮助你了解如何在存储资源管理器中利用此功能。 在继续之前,建议你阅读有关blob 软删除的详细信息。 配置删除保留策略 你可以在存储资源管理器中为每个存储帐户配置删除保留策略。 在存储帐户下打开任何“blob 容器”节点的关联菜单,然后选择“配置软删除策略...”...
Recovery Services - Backup Recovery Services - Site Recovery Red Hat OpenShift Redis Cache Relay Reserved VM Instances Resource Health Resource Management Resource Mover Search Management Search Service Secret Sync Controller Sentinel Serial Console Service Bus Service Connector Service Fabric Service Map Sig...
We are thrilled to announce a significant update that will bring enhanced cost efficiency to our SAP HANA Database Backup service. Starting September 1,...
选择您想要禁用软删除功能的存储账户。 点击“删除”按钮。 在弹出的确认窗口中,勾选“禁用软删除”选项。 点击“确定”按钮,即可完成禁用软删除功能的操作。 结论 总的来说,禁用软删除功能是Azure存储的一个重要功能,能够有效地保护用户的数据安全。如果你在使用Azure存储时遇到了软删除的问题,不妨考虑禁用软删除功...
openssl pkcs12 -in"C:\Users\Downloads\mykeyvault01-cscert01-20220316.pfx"-nokeys -out"C:\tool\xd12.pem" 当然,Azure也提供了通过PowerShell或CLI命令来下载PEM文件,操作为: az keyvault certificate download--vault-name vault -n cert-name-fcert.pem ...
The operating system executes the kernel in protected memory to prevent anyone from changing (and risking it crashing). This is what is known as "Kernel space". "User space" is where users executes their commands or applications. It's important to create this separation since we can't rely...
Blob storage events are fired for create, replace and deletes. Hence,modifications to the blobs are not supported at this point of timebut it will be eventually supported. In case a user creates a file at T1 and deletes the same file at T10 and the backup listener has not copied that...