To restore a VM to another zone, specify theTargetZoneNumberparameter in theaz backup restore restore-diskscommand. Azure CLI az backup restore restore-disks\--resource-groupmyResourceGroup \--vault-namemyRecoveryServicesVault \--container-namemyVM \--item-namemyVM \--storage-accounttargetStorage...
You can browse and select up to 10 containers to restore. To restore selected containers, use theaz dataprotection backup-instance restore initialize-for-item-recoverycommand. Azure CLI az dataprotection backup-instance restore initialize-for-item-recovery--datasource-typeAzureBlob--restore-locationsout...
Restore a VM with Azure CLI Restore individual files Back up SQL Server on Azure VM Back up SAP HANA databases in Azure VMs Back up PostgreSQL databases Configure item level backup of an AKS cluster Restore vaulted backups for AKS clusters in a secondary region ...
Azure.ResourceManager.DataProtectionBackup.dll Package: Azure.ResourceManager.DataProtectionBackup v1.5.0 Source: RangeBasedItemLevelRestoreCriteria.cs Item Level target info for restore operation. C#複製 publicclassRangeBasedItemLevelRestoreCriteria:Azure.ResourceManager.DataProtectionBackup.Models.ItemLev...
Several reliability improvements have also been made to provide more robust item-level restore operations of large data sources. Integrity Check Improvements In this update, users experience more robust integrity checks because of improvements that are made in checksum comparisons. ...
Item-level recovery does not restore custom permissions when Microsoft SharePoint is running localized language packs. Assume that there are several virtual machines on the Hyper-V host that are physically removed. When you try to stop protection of these virtual machines, the Azure backup server ...
Set the Policy parameter to specify the settings for the backup. Start-OBRecovery Recovers the array of OBRecoverableItem objects with the specified recovery options in the OBRecoverableOptions object. If no recovery option is specified, the following default options are used: Restore to original ...
Set the Policy parameter to specify the settings for the backup. Start-OBRecovery Recovers the array of OBRecoverableItem objects with the specified recovery options in the OBRecoverableOptions object. If no recovery option is specified, the following default options are used: Restore to original ...
Hi , I have SQL installed on Azure VM and being backed up by Azure so the backup files are stored in Azure Recovery Service vault. I have requirement to...