Azure Backup is an Azure-based service you can use to back up (or protect) and restore your data in the Microsoft cloud. Explore pricing options Apply filters to customize pricing options to your needs. Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may...
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure App Service Azure Functions Azure Container Instances Azure Spring Apps Azure Red Hat OpenShift Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager VORSCHAU Azure Container Apps Azure Container Registry App Configuration Hybrid Cloud und Multicloud Azure DevOps ...
安全的加密备份:Azure 备份利用 Azure 平台的内置安全功能(例如 Azure 基于角色的访问控制和加密),确保你的备份数据以安全的方式存储。 备份数据生命周期管理:Azure 备份会自动清理较旧的备份数据,以遵守保留策略。 你还可以将操作存储中的数据分层存储到保管库存储中。 受保护的关键操作:使用 Azure 备份的多用户授权...
This article explains how to prepare for System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) backups to Azure, using the Azure Backup service.The article provides:An overview of deploying DPM with Azure Backup. Prerequisites and limitations for using Azure Backup with DPM. Steps for preparing Azure, inclu...
本文介绍如何启用备份和保留策略。 如果你使用磁带来解决长期保留需求,Azure 备份可以通过此功能提供强大且可行的替代方案。 该功能已在 Azure 备份服务中启用(可在此处获取)。 如果你正在使用 System Center DPM,则必须在使用具有 Azure 备份服务的 DPM 之前至少更新到 DPM 2012 R2 UR5。
An Azure service that integrates speech processing into apps and services. 1,827 questions 1 answer Some questions with the Azure kafka service we want use Azure kafka service, some questions need your help : Azure kafka is Confluent Cloud kafka? what's difference with Apache Kafka? Is support...
Figure 5 Azure Pricing Expand table Azure Capability Charge Remarks Server Usage Small: $0.12 /service-hour Medium: $0.24/service-hour Large: $0.48/service-hour XLarge: $0.96/service-hour The roles with active applications determine the charges. Small : (1.6Ghz), 1.75GB memory (moderate IO...
利用Azure Backup 备份虚拟机之三:创建VM时启用备份 使用Azure备份服务备份Azure虚拟机(VM)。根据备份策略中指定的计划备份VM,并从备份创建恢复点。恢复点存储在Recovery Services保管库中。本文将详细介绍了在Azure门户中创建虚拟机(VM)时如何启用备份。 1.首先登录到Azure 门户
Microsoft Azure Data Lake is a scalable public cloud service that enables developers, scientists, business professionals and other users to gain insight from large, complex data sets. While cloud storage offers many benefits, costs can quickly rise if customers don't fully understand and track them...
本文介绍如何从Azure Backup Recovery Services保管库中存储的恢复点还原Azure VM数据。 要还原VM,请确保您具有所需的RBAC权限。 接下来我们来了解下还原有关的东西以及如何还原。 1.还原选项 Azure备份提供了多种还原VM的方法。 2.选择还原点 1)在与要还原的VM关联的保管库中,单击“备份项”>“Azure虚拟机”。