在“Blob 容器”下,选择“insights-logs-developerportalauditlogs”。 导航到 API 管理实例中日志的容器。 日志以 1 小时为间隔进行分区。 若要检索数据以供进一步分析,请选择“下载”。 使用Azure Monitor 工具分析数据 Azure 门户中提供了以下 Azure Monitor 工具,可帮助你分析监视数据: ...
MicrosoftHealthcareApisAuditLogs | where ResultType == "Failed" 结论访问诊断日志对于监视服务和提供符合性报告至关重要。 使用 Azure API for FHIR,可以通过诊断日志来执行这些操作。FHIR 是 HL7 的注册商标,经 HL7 许可使用。后续步骤在本文中,你已经了解了如何启用 Azure API for FHIR 的审核日志。 有关 Azu...
FhirClient client; client = new FhirClient(serverUrl); client.OnBeforeRequest += (object sender, BeforeRequestEventArgs e) => { // Add custom headers to be added to the logs e.RawRequest.Headers.Add("X-MS-AZUREFHIR-AUDIT-UserLocation", "HospitalA"); }; client.Get("Patient"); Next...
For example, when you “Add a new member” to theusers.datalake.adminsentitlement group using entitlements API, you're able to see this information in audit logs. Enable audit logs To enable audit logs in diagnostic logging, select your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance in the Azure po...
AuditLog, Read Can view and export audit logs. Audit logs are in preview. For more information, see Access, export, and filter audit logs. Policies Manage enterprise policies Collection, MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_POLICIES Can enable and disable application connection policies as described in Change applicatio...
We could also have it as a template parameter. However, it isnot flexible enough to define multiple DCRs or even update the whole DCR Data Source object(Think about future coverage beyond Windows logs). Data Collection Rules – CREATE API ...
How do I get to my Audit Logs? To enable diagnostic logging in Azure API for FHIR, navigate toDiagnostic settingsin the Azure Portal. Here you will see standard UI that all services use for emitting diagnostic logging. There are three ways to get to the diagnostic: ...
Let’s first take a look at the audit logs, because I know that’s where your security focused eyes darted to. I want to remind you this is a very new service and lots of improvements are coming. Yeah, I did that. I pulled a sales dude move. Seriously though, the audit logging is...
After the initial import, the dashboard and the reports continue to update daily. You can control the refresh schedule on the dataset. With the Azure Audit Logs content pack for Power BI, you can easily explore your data using the initial set of metrics and even building your own. ...