当在Portal中注册app时,home tenant会自动创建app instance和service principal。 一,通过UI注册App 登录到Azure Portal中,选择“Azure Active Directory”服务,从Overview选项卡中点击“App registration”: 注册App的页面如下图所示: 1,Supported Account 类型 共有四种类型的Suppored Account: Accounts in this organiz...
详细了解 Microsoft.Azure.Management.Graph.RBAC.Fluent 命名空间中的 Microsoft.Azure.Management.Graph.RBAC.Fluent.RoleAssignmentImpl.ForServicePrincipal。
当在Portal中注册app时,home tenant会自动创建app instance和service principal。 一,通过UI注册App 登录到Azure Portal中,选择“Azure Active Directory”服务,从Overview选项卡中点击“App registration”: 注册App的页面如下图所示: 1,Supported Account 类型 共有四种类型的Suppored Account: Accounts in this organiz...
这三个属性统称为Service Principle 在这里简单介绍一下,如何创建和配置Azure AD Application和Service Principal。 1.我们点击Azure Active Directory,选择App registrations,点击New registration 2.输入应用程序名称,命名为MyApp Supported account types设置为仅限于我的组织目录 URL我们随便设置一下:http://localhost 最...
These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals. C# 複製 [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="appRoles")] public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Graph.RBAC.Fluent.Models.AppRole> AppRoles { get; set; } Property Value IList<Ap...
If a new role is needed for the app, it only needs to be added to the Microsoft Entra group for the app. If a new developer joins the team, a new application service principal is created for the developer and added to the group, assuring the developer has the right permissions to work...
选择找到的app,并单击OK 关联Azure AD app 在Connect to Media Services API with service principal中,单击Save 创建.NET Desktop应用程序,以console Application为例,创建步骤略过。 在.NET项目中,添加引用。 右键单击项目,选择Manage NuGet Packages 选择Manage NuGet Packages ...
Azure Service Bus Data Receiver: Use this role to give receiving access to Service Bus namespace and its entities. Resource scope Before you assign an Azure role to a security principal, determine the scope of access that the security principal should have. Best practices dictate that it's alw...
之后运行TSQL来创建db level的user,对应的其实就是service principal的名字 CREATEUSER mxyspFROMEXTERNAL PROVIDER; ALTERROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER mxysp; ALTERROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER mxysp; ALTERROLE db_ddladmin ADD MEMBER mxysp; GO ...
Remember that aUser AssignedManaged Identity is a stand-alone Azure Resource, which needs to be created first, after which you can assign it to another Azure Resource (our VM in this scenario). From the Azure Portal, Create new Resource, and search for “User Assigned Managed Identity” ...