Archive Storage は、HTTPS を使用したクラウドへの安全なデータ転送を提供するとともに、256 ビットの AES キーを使用して、保存データを自動的に保護します。 より簡単な管理と BLOB レベルの階層制御 Azure Archive Storage は、Blob Storage で使用可能な別のストレージ層です。ホット、クール、...
3 questions with Azure Archive Storage tags Sort by:Updated 1 answer Request to extend the retake exam window Hi , this request is to extend the retake exam window. I was not able to retake due to person issues. Can explain on call I am not sure how I can make the question and co...
Backup and archive Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) is a business’s ability to remain operational after an adverse event. In terms of storage, this objective equates to maintaining business continuity across outages to storage systems. With the introduction of Backup-as-a-Service ...
Azure 存档存储是可用于 Blob 存储的另一种存储层。热对象、冷对象和存档对象全都可以并排存在于同一帐户中。此外,由于引入了 Blob 级别分层,只需在 Azure 门户中单击一下即可更改对象的层,也可以使用 REST API(或 .NET、Java、Python 和许多其他 SDK)以编程方式按需更改多个对象。存档存储功能的用例 长期备份保...
azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 扩展azure_storage 中 blob_put 的 Blob 块大小(以 MB 为单位)。 cron.database_name 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 设置在其中保留 pg_cron 元数据的数据库。 cron.log_run 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 将所有作业记录到 job...
A file (uri_file) data resource type points to a single file on storage (for example, a CSV file).These steps explain how to create a File typed data resource in the Azure AI Foundry portal:Navigate to the Azure AI Foundry. Select the project where you want to create the data. From...
In this section, we will focus on the steps needed to create the storage locations and setup data replication. Step 1: Configure the source Azure Blob Storage location Configure the source Azure Blog Storage container as a DataSync Azure Blob location. Choose theLocationsoption from the left nav...
An Azure Storage Account and blob storage container that will serve as the source for the data transfer. Azure Active Directory application and service principal. Make a note of theApplication secret,which is only displayed during setup.
The installation is quick and simple (like all WordPress plugins, you just need to copy the files into a folder under your wp-content/plugins folder), and the only setup required is to point it at a storage account in your Windows Azure subscription. Brian’s post has all the details....
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