데이터 컨트롤러를 이미 만들었나요?Azure Arc 지원 SQL Managed Instance 만들기 추가 리소스 학습 학습 경로 하이브리드 환경에서 Azure Arc 지원 SQL Managed Instance 구현 - Training ...
An Azure Arc-enabled SQL managed instance is deployed in the secondary cluster, in the Business Critical service tier. It's configured as a disaster recovery instance. If the primary site fails, the system fails over to the SQL managed instance in the secondary site. Components Azure Arc. Azu...
As part of the family of Azure SQL products, SQL Managed Instance enabled by Azure Arc is available in twovCoreservice tiers. General Purposeis a budget-friendly tier designed for most workloads with common performance and availability features. ...
ManagedInstanceLicenseType 许可证类型。 可能的值为“LicenseIncluded” (包含新 SQL 许可证) 的常规价格,“BasePrice” (将自己的 SQL 许可证) 的折扣 AHB 价格。 properties.maintenanceConfigurationId string 指定要应用于此托管实例的维护配置 ID。 properties.managedInstanceCreateMode ManagedServerCreateMode ...
Erkunden Sie SQL Managed Instance, das auf der SQL Server-Engine aufbaut. Erhalten Sie stets aktuelle Anwendungen mit den neuesten SQL-Features und -Funktionen.
Découvrez SQL Managed Instance, crééà partir du moteur SQL Server. Obtenez des applications toujours à jour avec les fonctionnalités SQL les plus récentes.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-arc/data/create-data-controller-using-kubernetes-native-tools#overview Create the custom resource definitions for the Arc data controller, Azure SQL managed instance, and PostgreSQL Hyperscale. Create a namespace in which the data controller will be crea...
Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance allows customers to build new cloud native applications on any infrastructure, in their on-premises environments and across other public clouds. Now, we are offering a way for customers to make the most of their legacy applications, with Azure Arc-enabled SQL ...
Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance allows customers to build new cloud native applications on any infrastructure, in their on-premises environments and across other public clouds. Now, we are offering a way for customers to make the most of their legacy applicatio...
In the episode of Data Exposed with Anna Hoffman and Lior Kamrat, we will be talking about the newly announced Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance Landing Zone Accelerator and the Jumpstart ArcBox flavor –“ArcBox for DataOps.” Watch on Data Exposed ...