Use Azure Arc solutions for hybrid and multi-cloud management to run Azure services anywhere. Accelerate innovation with Azure Arc–enabled data services.
Phase 2: Deploy Azure Arc-enabled servers Show 2 more Deployment of an IT infrastructure service or business application is a challenge for any company. In order to execute it well and avoid any unwelcome surprises and unplanned costs, you need to thoroughly plan for it to ensure that you're...
In order to experience Azure Arc-enabled data services, you'll need to complete the following tasks.Plan your deployment The details in this article will guide your plan. Install client tools. Register the Microsoft.AzureArcData provider for the subscription where the Azure Arc-enabled data ...
您可以使用已啟用 Azure Arc 的 Kubernetes,搭配任何雲端原生運算基礎 (由 CNCF) 認證的 Kubernetes 叢集。已啟用 Azure Arc 的 Kubernetes 是由下列代理程式 (操作員) 所組成,會在您部署到 azure-arc 命名空間的叢集中執行。展開表格 Kubernetes 代理程式 (操作員)描述 deployment.apps/config-agent 監看連線叢集...
Azure Arc-enabled server andnew roleswill be applied to your SQL Server and databases. If you don't want to automatically connect your SQL Servers to Azure Arc, you can opt out by adding a tag to the Windows or Linux server with the nameArcSQLServerExtensionDeploymentand valueDisabledwhen ...
If you want to use aWindowsDomain controller with your deployment, you must configure it before you create the deployment. If you want to use a domain account to run theWindowsservices used by ArcGIS software, create that domain account before you create your deployment. ...
Let have a look at how Azure Arc can empower Cloud Solutions Architects in their day-to-day tasks working in a hybrid or multicloud environment.
(4) Automate deployment of Virtual Machines (VMs) Modify Azure Resource Manager template { "$schema": "", #必须存在,描述模板语言版本的 JSON 架构文件所在的位置。
a running Kubernetes cluster to which we can connect and configure on Azure Arc; and public Git repository with Kubernetes deployment manifests; this tutorial uses a basic Nginxdeployment manifest. Connecting local Kubernetes cluster to Azure Arc ...
Azure Arc Preview Azure Blockchain Service Preview Azure Cache forRedis Azure Cosmos DB Azure Data Explorer Clusters Azure Database forMariaDBservers Azure Database for MySQL servers Azure Database forPostgreSQLservers Azure Database Migration Services ...