此过程使用服务主体的 ObjectId,而不是应用程序的 ObjectId。 ACCOUNT_ID 是所创建的 Azure AI 服务帐户的 Azure 资源 ID。 可以从 Azure 门户中资源的“属性”中找到 Azure 资源 ID。 Azure CLI New-AzRoleAssignment-ObjectId<SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_OBJECTID>-Scope<ACCOUNT_ID>-RoleDefinitionName"Cognitive Service...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.ParameterSet.ApplicationObjectIdWithKeyId in the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory namespace.
How to find out ObjectID or DeviceID via device How to find the URL to connect to active directory default domain? How to find what role to use when lacking needed permission How to get client secret expiry date using the azure AD graph API. how to get logged in user from system when...
在ISE上,导航到管理>身份管理>外部身份源 > SAML Id提供程序,然后点击添加按钮。输入Id Provider Name并单击Submit以保存。Id提供程序名称仅对ISE有意义(如图所示)。2. 配置ISE身份验证方法导航到管理> System >管理员访问权限>身份验证>身份验证方法,然后选择基于密码单选按钮。从Identity Source下拉...
{ "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVM", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", "properties": { "osProfile": { "adminUsername": "{your-username}", "secrets": [], "computerName": "myVM", "windowsConfig...
objectType Edm.String GET 用于标识对象类型的字符串。 此值始终为“Contract”。 继承自 [DirectoryObject]。 objectId Edm.String GET 合作关系的唯一标识符。 继承自 [DirectoryObject]。 注意: 键,不可变,不可为 null,唯一。导航属性 无。**注意: **不支持未列出的继承导航属性。 针对不支持的导航属性的...
kubectl_get_annotation.sh - find a type of object with a given annotation kubectl_restart.sh - restarts all or filtered deployments/statefulsets in the current or given namespace. Useful when debugging or clearing application problems kubectl_logs.sh - tails all containers in all pods or filtere...
Windows Defender Application Guard trouble Windows domain policy need to apply macbook system. Windows Error, in Setup Event Log then machine randomly shuts down. Windows Event ID 10005 Error Windows Explorer - View settings are grayed out. Windows explorer does not refresh after editing files Wind...
terraform taint resource.id manually marks the resource as tainted in the state file. So when you run terraform apply the next time, the resource will be destroyed and recreated. What types of variables are supported in Terraform? string number bool list() set() map() object({<ATTR_NAME...
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Request-Id, traceparent, Request-Context, <your header> JavaScript SDK の分散トレースを無効にするにはどうすればよいですか?分散トレースは、構成で無効にすることができます。HTTP 502 および 503 の応答は、常に Application Insights によってキャプチャされま...