很显然, Azure 在 WAF 这方面还是很弱的. 建议要做 WAF 最好选 Cloudflare. 如果要用 Azure, AFD 应该会是未来. 所以可以等过了 preview 阶段. TODO 目前没有用它... 以后有在朴上 Azure Part What is Azure WAF on Azure Application Gateway? Web Application Firewall CRS rule groups and rules FAQ ...
会研究到 Azure Front Door (AFD) 是因为想安装 WAF. 结果研究了一圈, 发现 AFD 好弱啊. 有许多功能都有 limitation. Limitation & 不够好的地方 1. Not support web socket 参考:feedback.azure.com 另外CDN 也是不支持 web socket. Application Gateway 就支持. Cloudflare 也支持. 所以 AFD, ACDN 都很...
Docker Hub Registry hub.docker.com, registry-1.docker.io, production.cloudflare.docker.com If you're using Docker Hub registry and want to access it through the firewall, you need to add these FQDNs to the firewall.Network rulesNetwork rules allow or deny traffic based on the network and...
production.cloudflare.docker.com:443 download.docker.com:443 us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 download.mono-project.com:80 packages.treasuredata.com:80 security.ubuntu.com:80 oryx-cdn.microsoft.io:443 *.cdn.mscr.io:443 *.data.mcr.microsoft.com:443 ...
Ha Docker Hub-beállításjegyzéket használ,és a tűzfalon keresztül szeretné elérni, a következő teljes tartományneveket kell hozzáadnia a szabályok céllistájához: hub.docker.com, registry-1.docker.ioés production.cloudflare.docker.com. Válassza a Hozzáadás lehetőséget...
Composing with Azure network resources such as Application Gateway, Azure Firewall, Azure Front Door, and Express Route, and popular network products such as Palo Alto Firewall, F5 Big-IP, Cloudflare, and Infoblox. The Azure Spring Apps Reference Architecture shown below is...
若要尋找本機開發叢集中所使用的反向 Proxy 埠,請檢視 HttpApplicationGatewayEndpoint 本機Service Fabric 叢集指令清單中的 專案:若要開啟 Service Fabric Explorer 工具,請開啟瀏覽器並移至 http://localhost:19080。 選取[叢集>指令清單]。 記下HttpApplicationGatewayEndpoint 專案埠。 根據預設,...
此外,该功能还与Azure网络资源(如Application Gateway、Azure Firewall、Azure Front Door和Express Route),以及Palo Alto Firewall、F5 Big-IP、Cloudflare和Infoblox等流行网络产品进行组合。这样一来,用户就可以确保Spring Boot应用的周边安全。 图2 托管虚拟网络和 Azure Spring Cloud的参考架构 ...
In addition, the feature composes with Azure network resources such as Application Gateway, Azure Firewall, Azure Front Door and Express Route, and popular network products such as Palo Alto Firewall, F5 Big-IP, Cloudflare, and Infoblox. This way, you can secure the pe...
In addition, the feature composes with Azure network resources such as Application Gateway, Azure Firewall, Azure Front Door and Express Route, and popular network products such as Palo Alto Firewall, F5 Big-IP, Cloudflare, and Infoblox. This way, you can secure the pe...