简介:【Azure 应用服务】App Service/Azure Function的出站连接过多而引起了SNAT端口耗尽,导致一些新的请求出现超时错误(Timeout) 问题描述 当需要在应用中有大量的出站连接时候,就会涉及到SNAT(源地址网络转换)耗尽的问题。而通过Azure App Service/Function的默认监控指标图表中,却没有可以直接查看到SNAT是否耗尽的...
而通过Azure App Service/Function的默认监控指标图表中,却没有可以直接查看到SNAT是否耗尽的问题(可以间接参考App Service Plan级中Metrics的 Socket Outbound All指标[截图见文末附录一],但是由于它是整个Plan下所有App Service的汇总数据,不能直接表明SNAT是否超过128的限制)。 这里所说的出站连接如:SQL数据库, Red...
而通过Azure App Service/Function的默认监控指标图表中,却没有可以直接查看到SNAT是否耗尽的问题(可以间接参考App Service Plan级中Metrics的 Socket Outbound All指标[截图见文末附录一],但是由于它是整个Plan下所有App Service的汇总数据,不能直接表明SNAT是否超过128的限制)。 这里所说的出站连接如:SQL数据库, Red...
而通过Azure App Service/Function的默认监控指标图表中,却没有可以直接查看到SNAT是否耗尽的问题(可以间接参考App Service Plan级中Metrics的 Socket Outbound All指标[截图见文末附录一],但是由于它是整个Plan下所有App Service的汇总数据,不能直接表明SNAT是否超过128的限制)。 这里所说的出站连接如:SQL数据库, Red...
public string Fin(string url) { var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url); var response = request.GetResponse(); response.Close(); return "OK"; } 2)下面使用Using来释放httpclient对象,但是也是用以导致SNAT耗尽的问题。 public async Task<string> Client(string url) { using (var client = new...
Also you may want to know that by default, web apps are unloaded if they are idle for a set period of time. This way, the system can conserve resources. The downside is that the response to the first request after the web app is unloaded is longer, to allow the web app to ...
2.点击Web App,选择配置,如下图: 3.增加参数名SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT, 参数值为超时时间,单位为秒。笔者设置为3600秒,即一个小时 这样配置就成功了。 参考资料:https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/560dc2a9-43e1-4c68-830c-6e1defe2f72d/azure-web-app-request-timeout-issue?fo...
1) 进入Function App的Azure 门户页面: Function App - Microsoft Azure 由世纪互联运营 2) 点击“App Service Editor “, 进入源代码查看页面,选择 host.json。 修改 functionTimeout 内容。如没有 functionTimeout,则根据以下格式自行添加。
Increase the azure app service load balancer timeout Hi, I have hosted app service api app which runs for more than 230 seconds for a given request. As app service load balancer timesout at 230 seconds, I am getting 500 http response code. I woul...Show More App Services azure Reply ...
Increase the azure app service load balancer timeout Hi, I have hosted app service api app which runs for more than 230 seconds for a given request. As app service load balancer timesout at 230 seconds, I am getting 500 http response code. I would like to increase the time out, so th...