With App Service, you pay for the Azure compute resources you use. The compute resources you use are determined by theApp Service planthat you run your apps on. For more information, seeAzure App Service plans overview. Why use App Service?
この記事では、Azure App Service の信頼性サポートについて説明し、可用性ゾーンによるリージョン内の回復性と、リージョン間のディザスター リカバリーおよび事業継続の両方を取り上げます。 Azure における信頼性の原則の詳細については、Azure の信頼性に関するページを参照してください。
Manage your apps in App Service by using Azure PowerShell or the cross-platform command-line interface (CLI). Global scale with high availability - Scale up or out manually or automatically. Host your apps anywhere in the global Microsoft datacenter infrastructure, and the App Service SLA ...
App Service Free and Shared PlansPreview The free and shared plans are intended for trials, experimentation, and learning the service. There is no SLA for free and shared plans and they are metered on a per app basis. Use of free and shared plans for production workloads is not supported....
Dostarcz własne kontenery i w kilka sekund wdróż je w usłudze App Service jako aplikację internetową w systemie Linux przy użyciu funkcji Web App for Containers usługi Azure App Service.
运行以下命令以创建应用服务计划。 将<app-service-plan-east-us>和<app-service-plan-west-us>的占位符替换为两个唯一的名称,以便可以轻松识别这些计划所在的区域。 Azure CLI az appservice plan create--name<app-service-plan-east-us>--resource-groupmyresourcegroup--is-linux--locationeastusaz appservice...
Migrate and build apps. Azure App Service is a fully managed platform for creating web applications. The app service offers a range of app development plans and services.
Publish– You can choose to publish as Code, Containers or Static Web app. Global scale with high availability- Scaleuporoutmanually or automatically. Host your apps anywhere in Microsoft's global data center infrastructure, and the App ServiceSLApromises high availabilit...
App Service Managed Certificates11 X X X X SLA 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 99.95%1 Apps and storage quotas are per App Service plan unless noted otherwise.2 The actual number of apps that you can host on these machines depends on the activity of the apps, the size of the machine instances, ...
Deploy an OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit chat app in Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform This sample shows how to create two AKS-hosted chat applications that use OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit using Python and deploy them to an AKS environment built in Terraform. ...