The subfolder deployment to Azure app service is working only when I set the DEPLOYMENT_TARGET as appsetting. Following are my scenarios. First deployment to a subfolder called 'myfirstapp' by setting DEPLOYMENT_TARGET as "C:/home/site/wwwroot/mywebapps" Before second deployment, I have d...
Click the resource provider name in the following list to see the list of permissions.GeneralExpand table Resource providerDescriptionAzure service Microsoft.Addons core Microsoft.Capacity core Microsoft.Commerce core Microsoft.Marketplace core Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering core Microsoft.Quota Azure Quotas...
Exclude files from the App_Data folder. Default: true. #AdditionalArguments: '-retryAttempts:6 -retryInterval:10000' # string. Optional. Use when UseWebDeploy == true && DeploymentType == webDeploy && ConnectionType = AzureRM && WebAppKind != webAppLinux && WebAppKind != webAppContainer &&...
To back up Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server, ensure that you have a copy of theC:\Program Files\Multi-Factor Authentication Server\Datafolder including thePhoneFactor.pfdatafile. In case a restore is needed complete the following steps: ...
Granting your app access to App Configuration You need to provide app permissions to access the configuration in the store. Create/Enable Managed Identity from you App service resource and the assign App Configuration Data Reader role to this identity ...
When you run your code on an Azure App Service or an Azure VM with a managed identity enabled, the library automatically uses the managed identity. No code changes are required, but the managed identity must have permissions for the resources it will try to access. For example, access ...
$graph.Oauth2Permissions # 这个会列举出来所有的用户模拟权限 1. 2. Id IsEnabled Type UserConsentDescription UserConsentDisplayName Value 58e15261-dfce-4dbd-b1a9-6a513ccf39cd True User Allows the app to read, update, create, and delete contacts you have permissions to access, including your ... How to update role code in startup task....
Create rewrite.config file in the WEB-INF folder of web application. cat rewrite.config\nRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^<webapp-name> [NC]\nRewriteRule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301] \n Create in the home directory. ...
In the command window, navigate to D:\home\site\wwwroot and choose the delete icon next to bin to delete the folder. Choose the edit icon next to the extensions.csproj file to open the online editor. Inside the <ItemGroup> element, add the following: <PackageReference Include=”Microsoft....