Bring App Service resources back online in a different Azure region during a regional disaster.Starting March 31, 2025, App Service applications won't be placed in disaster recovery mode during a disaster in an Azure region as explained in the recover from region-wide failure article. We recomme...
As we've briefly explained early on, App Service is basically aPlatform-as-a-Service(PaaS) infrastructure that can be use to host a web application instead of having a dedicated Web Server. It goes without saying that such managed approach comes with some advantages and drawbacks. Here's a ...
interacts with the incoming traffic to perform similar functionality as on Windows. Because it does not run in-process, no direct integration with specific language frameworks is possible; however, the relevant information that your app needs is passed through using request headers as explained below...
Cloud computing quickly scales and has endless capacity. Cloud scale can be explained as looking on a computer screen. Look from afar and you see a clear and smooth picture; when you take a closer look, you notice the image on the screen is comprised of many little pixels. The cloud, li...
Starting March 31, 2025, App Service applications won't be placed in disaster recovery mode during a disaster in an Azure region as explained in the recover from region-wide failure article. It's recommended to implement commonly used disaster recovery techniques to prevent downtime and data ...
Some Azure services deployed in Azure Government regions US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, and US Gov Virginia (US Gov regions) require extra configuration to meet DoD IL5 compute and storage isolation requirements, as explained in Isolation guidelines for Impact Level 5 workloads. For DoD IL5 PA...
To create a new WebJobs-enabled project, use the console app project template and enable WebJobs deployment as explained in the previous section. As an alternative, you can use the WebJobs new-project template:Use the WebJobs new-project template for an independent WebJob Create a project ...
In my previous post, I explained how to deploy Ghost on Azure Web App; however, Ghost v2.25.5 now requires Node.JS 64-bit to support thesharppackage v0.22.1. If you followed my initial instructions to create the free App Service, you will notice that this build will break your...
There are other important properties per Managed API that you can research, like POLICIES, TAGS, etc. like explained in the article “Update an existing API and its properties” but for now we just need to grant access to my user from...
In an article in the November 2018 issue of MSDN Magazine, “Web Site Background Processing with Azure Service Bus Queues” (, I explained how you can use an Azure Function and a Service Bus Queue to handle long-running background processing for your Web site. ...