redirectUri: "http://localhost:6420", // You must register this URI on Azure Portal/App Registration. Defaults to "window.location.href". }, cache: { cacheLocation: "sessionStorage", storeAuthStateInCookie: false, }, system: { loggerOptions: { loggerCallback: (level, message, containsPii...
defaultRedirectUri defaultRedirectUri string The default redirect URI addIns addIns array of object Defines custom behavior that a consuming service can use to call an app in specific contexts id string Add-in ID type addIns.type string Add-in type properties addIns.propertie...
"responseOverrides": { "404": { "rewrite": "/404.html", "statusCode": 404 }, "401": { "statusCode": 302, "redirect": "/.auth/login/aad" } }, "auth": { "identityProviders": { "azureActiveDirectory": { "registration": { "openIdIssuer": "https://login.microsoftonline....
tsm configuration set -k oauth.azuredatalake_storage_gen2.redirect_uri -v http://[your_server_url]/auth/add_oauth_token --force-keys tsm pending-changes apply 针对Azure Synapse、Azure SQL Database 或 Databricks 配置默认客户端 若要配置 Tableau Server,您必须具有以下配置参数: ...
Note that this does not prevent developers to add redirect URI in the app registration portal, but this allow them to have the same code for debugging locally and for deployed applications if they wish to. The MSAL.NET part is here: microsoft-identity-web/src/Microsoft.Identity.Web/TokenAcqui...
InRedirect URI, selectPublic client/native (mobile & desktop)and type the URL<app-url>/.auth/login/aad/callback. For example, SelectRegister. After the app registration is created, copy the value ofApplication (client) ID. ...
在菜单选项中,选择Manage→App registrations。 在App registrations页面中,点+ New registration。 配置新注册,如下所示: 在Name字段中输入您用于部署的应用程序的相同名称。 为支持的帐户类型选择默认值。 为Redirect URI (可选)选择Web。 在Redirect URI (可选)字...' \ -H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d 'redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost:3000&client_id=<appid>&grant_type=authorization_code&code=<put code here>&client_secret=p@ssword1&scope=https%3A%2F%funcapi.<tenantname>.onmicr...
阅读快速入门:将应用程序注册到Microsoft标识平台。 创建应用注册。 获取 AZURE_TENANT_ID、AZURE_CLIENT_ID和AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET。 将redirect URI 设置为 APPLICATION_BASE_URI/login/oauth2/code/ ,例如 http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/。尾 / 是必需的。
tsm configuration set -k oauth.azuredatalake_storage_gen2.redirect_uri -v http://[your_server_url]/auth/add_oauth_token --force-keys tsm pending-changes apply 针对Azure Synapse、Azure SQL Database 或 Databricks 配置默认客户端 若要配置 Tableau Server,您必须具有以下配置参数: Azure OAuth 客户端...